The Fallen

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Night's POV

What is this, like the fifth time I had to run away from my home?

Agent: Please stop!

Night: Never!

Oh right. Hi, my name is Nightmare the hedgehog, but you can call me Night. And the reason why I'm running is because I just discovered a form, but my brother want to take it away. And the only way to do that is experiment, experiment, EXPERIMENT! I'm getting tired of this, but he says "it's for the greater good". Yeah greater good my ass. I start to see them slow down. They must be getting tired.

Night: Ha! Getting tired already?!

What I didn't know, is that they're slowing down on purpose. I trip and fell through a hole in front of me and they froze my powers. That's what I get for being so cocky.

Night: Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Sonic: Nightmare!

As I fall down, my body feels weird. Not in a good away nor bad. I finally hit the ground. Gods that was a long way down. I was fine, just like I expect, what I didn't expect was me to be human. I was wearing the exact same clothes I wore when I left my old home all those years ago. A plain white shirt, a black hoodie, jeans and boots, Nothing exciting, my eyes are the same, thank god, my hair now reaches my butt again, and I think I'm the same height, 5'4".

Night: Well, this is fan-fucking-tastic.

I walk around a big hallway and go through a even bigger door. I find myself standing in front of a smiling flower. Great. Just when I thought things couldn't be weirder, boom, a freaking smiling flower. Something tells me that this is just the beginning.

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