First Battle

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Flowey: You wouldn't be so cocky after this!

Night's POV

I slowly move my soul away. I mean- COME ON! Not even fighting with Eggman is this slow.

Night: Come on! This is just making me bored. *folds my arms* Are you stalling or are you just weak?

Flowey: Weak? WEAK!? *a ring of "friendliness pellets" appears around him* Now I know you're an idiot for two things. The first is calling me weak.

The same ring appears around me. And hits me and my soul multiple times. To the point where my HP was 1. He's stronger than I thought.

Flowey: The second one is easy. In this world. IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED.

I'm gonna die. No. No. I can't let that happen. I promise my brother that no matter what, I wouldn't die. He has HOPE in me.

Flowey: Die. *laughs*

*You are filled with HOPE

One of the half's of the soul starts glowing white as a shield covers me.

Flowey's POV

How is this even possible?! Usually only way to activated soul power is they're feeling the exact thing that their soul represents. If one of the side is HOPE then what is the other side. Maybe this will work.

Flowey: That shield won't hold for long. Once I take your soul, I'll become god! I'll kill every last thing up there and it'll be all your fault.

Night: No. I won't let that happen!

*You are filled with HATRED

Am I seeing this right? Her other half of the soul started to glow black as she cut through my "friendliness pellets" with a sword. Well I'm fucked.

Flowey: N-No! S-Stay back! *shoots more "friendliness pellets" at her*

Night: *moves towards Flowey, cutting up all of the pellets that try to hit her*

Flowey: Stay away you freak!

Now she stands in front of me. She has two options. FIGHT or MERCY. It's obvious that she's going to pick FIGHT.

Flowey: Please don't hurt me.

Night's POV

FIGHT or MERCY. I have to pick one of those. I should pick FIGHT. Yes. He deserves to get hurt like he hurt you. It's like he said. In this world, it KILL OR BE KILLED. But then again, what if I pick MERCY? He'll own you for giving him MERCY. He can show you the way through this place. And if you kill him the other people he said could believe that you are a murder. That's a good point.

*You spare Flowey

*You win! You gain 0 EX and 0 gold

Flowey: You spared me?

Night: For a price. You have to show me the way out of here, but if you attack me I will not hesitate to kill you. Do we have a deal? *lowers my hand*

Flowey: It's a deal. *climb up my arm and wraps around my neck* It's this way.

I go through another door. I see a glowing star.

Flowey: That's a SAVE point. You might want to do that while you're here.

I touch the SAVE point.

*Having a friend to show you the way back to the surface fills you with HOPE

*HP fully restored


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