Aizen X Girl OC

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Hey guys it's been a while!! Did you miss me? Of course you did!! Well I'm going to be a girl OC this time but I hope you like it!!
Warning: I suck at grammar!!!
This is dedicated to stry_heck

Name: Rena (no last name)

Age: 27 (even though she looks so young)

Personality: Sarcastic, has a bad temper, friendly when your not on her bad side

Power: She is as almost as strong as Aizen and nobody dares to disobey her


Rena's P.O.V

I glare at Aizen irritated how dare he do this to me!! I'm so going to kill him!!

Aizen glances over at me and raises an eyebrow

"What is it Rena?" My glare turns harsher and he tenses

"Oh nothing~" I stand up from my seat and walk away not wanting to look at the man I sadly fell in love with

In her room.....

I sit staring at my wall tuning out everything, well mostly everything. I can't stop my mind from wondering to Aizen and it's getting annoying how I love everything about him, when he doesn't even give me a second glance. How I always seem to get lost in his brown eyes, or when he calls my name and I always feel a tingling feeling in my lower stomach. Maybe I should see a doctor I could be sick? No I'm definitely not sick, damnit! I didn't want to fall in love it makes a girl weird!!



I jump startled but the knocking, taking a deep breath I stand up and open the door. Surprised to see Aizen he looks me over and his eyes turn darker, I clear my throat and he looks up at me

"What is it?"

"Well you barged out of the dining room, so I came to see if you were okay"

"I'm perfectly fine. Why?"

"Are you sure?"

I narrow my eyes at him "yes! I'm sure!!" He looks taken back by my attitude and I notice something swirl in his eyes but I couldn't find out what it was before he masked it

"Okay, have a nice night Rena" I nod and slam the door in his face not even caring that I disrespected him

The next day.........

Punching a dummy was not what I had planned for today, but I need to get my anger out so I don't really care as long as I can punch something.

"Woah your pissed today!" I glance behind me and see grimmjow smirking at me

Rolling my eyes at him I continue punching the dummy

"Oh come on don't ignore me! Let's have a spar"

Sighing I turn to him "fine" his smirk widens and we step onto the training mat we had

He makes the first move to punch me in the stomach but I dodge and he kicks me in the back surprising me, I smirk and kick his legs out from under him. I land a couple hits but he pushes me off and rushes at me again, he manages to hit my eyes and kick my side but i gave him more damage. He finally looses his temper and rushes at me again, I dodge his kick and knee him in the groin making him fall to his knees groaning in pain. I smirk at him then knee him in the face twice he falls face first into the mat and I chuckle

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