Lets Get This Show on the Road!

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"WAKE UP!!!" The Winx tried one last time to wake Stella up from her so called "beauty sleep".

"Ugh this is so illogical, why won't anything work?! Grizelda is going to be so mad when we are late for our meeting with Mrs. Faragonda!" complained Tecna who continued to check her high tech watch for the time.

"I have an idea!" exclaimed Musa, running out of the room.

The rest of the girls waited next to Stella's bed as the sound of the bathroom faucet running gave them an idea as to what their comrade was up to.

Two minutes later Musa came into Stella's room with a bucket of ice cold water from the bathroom faucet, and slowly drenched the sleeping fairy.

"AAAH! My night gown- why you!" Stella screamed and chased Musa around their dorm until the fairy of music was stuck in the corner of Flora and Bloom's room.

"Don't you want a big hug?" Stella teased, slowly wrapping her wet arms around Musa.

"EWW!" Musa cried, clearly upset that she had to change again.

Suddenly they heard giggling behind them and turned to see the rest of the Winx sprawled across the floor laughing their heads off.

"You should've seen *gasp*the look on your face!" Bloom laughed while gasping for air.

The other Winx agreed as they started to calm down.

Once Musa and Stella finally finished getting ready, Stella asked annoyed, "Why exactly did you guys have to awake me from my wonderful dream at 6:00 AM on a Saturday?"

"Oh yeah? Was your dream about a b-" Aisha started but was cut off by Bloom.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Grizelda came into our dorm 15 minutes ago telling us to be in Mrs. Faragonda's office where we will be prompted on our next mission in 10 minutes. We are already 5 minutes late so let's get this show on the road!" Bloom exclaimed, running out the door.

The Winx gave each other confused expressions. 

"The most probable explanation is that 'Lets get this show on the road' is an expression used on Earth meaning 'Lets go'" explained Tecna.

"Ooohh" The girls chorused in understanding.

"What are we waiting for? We've got to catch up to Bloom!" Aisha realized, and chased after Bloom.

And with that the remaining Winx members ran as fast as they could to Mrs. Faragonda's office where they saw Bloom panting outside of the door.

*Knock knock*

"Come in" they heard the sweet voice of their Headmistress.

They walked into the cozy and welcoming room where they saw an impatient Grizelda standing next to Mrs. Faragonda. Uh oh...

"Your late!" Grizelda scolded.

All of the Winx looked down at their outfits and blushed in shame instead of looking straight into Grizelda's fierce glare(season 5 main outfits).

Unfortunately for Bloom, whenever she blushed her ears started to catch on fire curtesy of the dragon flame, so it didn't burn Bloom or her hair, but it did hurt other people. The Winx tried to put stuff on her ear but the fire burned through everything. Tecna still worked on designing something to at least calm the fire down even though it only burned for a minute at a time.   

"We are sorry Miss Grizelda" the Winx chorused.

Mrs. Faragonda quickly cut in before Grizelda could respond, "Good, now girls I'm trusting you to go investigate some dark magic where Bloom grew up: Earth."


Thanks for reading please tell me if you want something from the book like how long the chapters should be or if you think that I should include or improve something. I tried to make a unique side of Bloom so give the story some action. Lemme know what you think!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

- Wonderwomen09

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