Bloom and Stella Save the Day

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Helia was about to show the paper to Sky when the bell rang and there was a stampede- Sky included.


"Ugh I have gym!" Stella whined

"Right there with you" Bloom replied as they walked into the locker room.

Stella pulled Bloom into a bathroom stall and quickly cast a spell, putting on fashionable gyms clothes.

"Really Stella?!"Bloom whisper-yelled.

"What nobody saw" Stella smiled deviously.

"Whatever" Bloom mumbled, leaving the room and heading to the gym where class was starting. After the attendance she and Stella saw their6 new neighbors walking up to them when some all-too familiar faces showed up.

"Nice earrings Bloom, too bad we're not allowed to wear them in PE" Mitzi sneered.

"That's a crime against fashion and you know what-" Stella started to go after Mitzi, but Bloom stopped before her friend got herself into any trouble.

"Fine." Bloom stated and put the earrings in her pocket.

With that Mitzi and her two dumb friends strutted off feeling victorious. Stella walked off to talk to the boys- typical.

"Hey... Bloom..."

Bloom turned around to see none other than Andy. She started to walk towards Stella when he grabbed her arm.

"Stop." Bloom stated firmly, but quietly.

"I just want to apologize and to say that I never meant to hurt you" Andy pleaded.

"Well, apology not accepted and if you were smart you would leave me alone" Bloom ripped her now red wrist, from his grasp, storming off, not realizing that the specialists and Stella heard what happened.


Bloom walked next to Stella quietly as the class walked laps around the field outside. Out of the corner of their eyes they could see the specialists catching up to them.

"Oh man" Stella muttered and she was right.

"Hey are you ok Bloom?" Sky asked.

Bloom could feel the heat rising in her cheeks when a burst of energy hit the sky, hiding the sun in a bunch of rain clouds. The teaching started calling people inside.

"Thanks" Bloom muttered to Stella who nodded in return.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" student screams were coming from everywhere as what seemed to be ice monsters blocked the entrance to the school.

Bloom grabbed Stella's hand and darted behind some trees that outlined the field.

"Winx Harmonix!" they yelled.

In a flash they were transformed.

"Here" Stella gave Bloom a mask covered in decorative flames while she put on a yellow mask with sparkly starts all over it.

"Woah, thanks" Bloom replied as they went to face the monsters.

All of the students and specialists had been cornered in the soccer goal along with the coach when the girls made their move.

"Solar Flare!"

"Fire Blade!"

The students watched in awe of their rescuers-even Mitzi. The funny thing was that Bloom realized that the specialists seemed more surprised and expectant than anyone else, infact, they were even ready to fight.

Stella and Bloom started dodging attacks from the monsters when one of the ice balls caught Stella off Guard. Knowing Bloom couldn't scream 'Stella!' as she created a big crater in the ground, Bloom got angry. Flames started to outline her body as she began glowing red.

"Dragon's bane!!!" Bloom yelled as fire in the shape of a dragon flew out of her body demolishing every ice creature.

The impact caused anything in the air to be thrown across the field into the trees, including Bloom. She cried in agony as she collided with the tree, but she's gotten use to being thrown around by now. Stella rushed to her side and helped her walk deeper into the forest to detransform, leaving the jaw-dropped students behind, wondering what the heck they just saw.

"This is going to be a fun story to tell the girls" Stella broke the silence sarcastically. 

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