The Fight

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*Ring Ring Ring*

"Headmaster Saladin Speaking-ah Sky it's good to see you again, how's Earth treating you?" Saladin spoke through a hologram.

"Actually, the school is shut down until further notice because of some ice monsters" Sky said calmly, watching Saladin's horrified expression, "We were ready to take on the monsters until two of the six fairy prodigies showed up and saved us. A blond with the power of the sun and moon, and a red head yielding an ancient fire power"

"I see..." Saladin finally spoke, deep in thought.

"We also encountered some strange girls while at the school. Each having a planet in the magical dimension as their last name. If I didn't know any better I'd say that they're from the magical dimension seeing as they arrived at the same time we did"

"I will talk to Mrs. Faragonda about this and see if she has any relations to these events, but until then, keep a close eye on those girls and any suspicious activity" Saladin concluded.

"Yes sir" Sky  started, "One more thing. One of the girls goes by Bloom and the planet she uses as her last name was Domino, which puzzles me further since Domino is dead"

Saladin stiffened and quickly stated, "As I said, keep a close eye for anything suspicious and be careful where you stick your nose" before shutting sown the hologram.

That was weird  Sky thought before shaking the idea off and went to the roof to get some fresh air.


Bloom was in her room preparing for the healing spell.

When she had successfully put the correct amount of pressure on her back, she spoke the spell.

"Gift of life" Bloom spoke light and quietly.

Her whole body turned yellow before the light around her died down. After using almost all of her power on healing herself, she decided to go and relax with some fresh air and walked up towards the roof.

Bloom opened the door to the roof and walked towards the back corner, hoping it would seclude her from anybody else that would come up. She heard the door open again then footsteps came closer to her. She turned to look into ocean blue eyes partially covered by golden hair.

"Hi Bloom, are you okay? I didn't see you during the incident" He asked, a bit concerned.

"Yes I'm fine, Stella and I ran into the forest and made our way back to the school once it was all over, thanks for asking. I guess I should really be asking whether or not your okay." Bloom explained.

"I'm fine, the creatures didn't come near us" he lied.

Yeah right, Bloom thought why is he lying?

"That's great to hear, anyway what brings you up here?" she asked.

"A break from this crazy day" he said which made Bloom giggle.

Sky smiled at her giggle and his smile just melted her.

"What are you smiling at?" Bloom asked.

"Your laugh - it's cute" He smiled again making Bloom blush(she was wearing her earrings).

"I've got to go, the girls are probably waiting for me" Bloom said sadly.

"Same I was suppose to meet up with Brandon and the boys a while ago" Sky reluctantly stated before they headed towards the stairwell.

"And just where do you think your going!" a sinister voice yelled behind them.

Bloom turned around to see some all-too familiar witches.

"Stay away from me Icy!" Bloom yelled weakly, confusing Sky, "Tecna! can you here me? I need backup ASAP on the roof, the Trix are h-" She was talking into her iPhone speaker when Darcy threw a shadow ball at her, nocking her to the edge of the roof.

"Bloom!" Sky yelled, drawing his phanto-blade.

"I'm fine"Bloom said trying to get up, but she was too late.

Icy started to freeze her starting with her legs, then slowly moving up towards her face.

"Give us the Dragonflame or die, your choi- " Darcy was cut off by Sky swinging his blade at her, though in vain.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here, a lost princess/fairy prodigy and a prince/top student for Red Fountain" Stormy said excitedly.

The ice was encompassing Bloom's forehead and cheeks about to completely surround her when she started to melt the ice slowly so that the Trix didn't not notice her. Unfortunately, Darcy saw her little plan and charged a ball of darkness. Bloom was about to get hit with the attack when Sky jumped in front of her.

"No!" Bloom yelled trying to run over to Sky, but her feet were still frozen.

"Any last words blondie?" Stormy snickered, but Sky's head was spinning too fast, "hmm, I guess not"

Bloom finally melted the last bit of ice and ran over to Sky. She tried to put a shield up, but she didn't have enough time - a lightning bolt hit her square in the chest and she fell off the roof just in time for Sky to realize what was happening.

"NO! BLOOM!" he shouted.

Bloom was free-falling when a light appeared in her chest and out came a dragon made of a orange and red energy. It was Nimwah - The Great Dragon. Nimwah caught her and Bloom rode the dragon like a horse back to the roof. Bloom and Sky saw the rest of the Winx club and specialists barge through the roof door, panting from the 35 flights it took to get there. When the girls and boys saw Bloom riding the Great Dragon, Sky on the edge of the roof, and the Trix in midair they immediately had more than a billion questions in mind. The Trix knew they were outnumbered and left in a puff of smoke. After that, Bloom collapsed and Nimwah gently placed her on the roof before returning to Bloom.

"Bloom!" Stella ran over to Bloom-along with the rest of the Winx-but she was out cold.

The specialists ran over to Sky who was rubbing his head, most likely having a concussion. 

"Our day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?" Riven muttered in frustration.

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