First Taste

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August 16, 2013 The day I Simon Lewis officially go out with Isabelle Lightwood

I imagined my first relationship to be with someone I actually liked. I mean, don't get me wrong, Isabelle's hot, but I just don't feel anything. Then again, I was sort of forced into this situation now wasn't I?

It was Friday, so I guess I can avoid her for the weekend at least. Plus Saturdays were Clary and my movie days.

I don't think I'd ever get used to the stares I got as I walked Isabelle to her locker. She was chatting it up, staring at me with eyes full of love. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was actually in love with me. I can see why she's the golden girl in the theatre department.

"So anyways, do you want to come?" she says loudly.

I blink, mentally shaking my head. "Wait what?"

She rolled her eyes, doing this cute girly giggle before placing her hand on my arm tentatively. Damn she's good. "Silly, I was asking if you wanted to go to the movies with me on Saturday with a bunch of my friends. We're watching some scary movie or something." She flashes me a sparkling smile that would've sent my knees buckling if I didn't know better. I look around. There are definitely some people eavesdropping on us. Rule 1. Never reject Isabelle of anything in public. "Of course," I check the time. Two minutes before the bell. Shit I'm going to be late for Calculus. Ms. Stacy's gonna throw a bitch fit. "Uhm, I'm gonna be late for Calc, babe. I'll catch up with you at lunch?" I look at her apologetic. She smiled. It was so sweet, my heart skipped a beat. She nodded as if she completely understood. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a lingering kiss. I placed my hand on her hip, trying to not lose myself in this kiss. It was hard, let me tell you. Isabelle Lightwood, no matter what, can take your breath away.

Finally she pulled away and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Meet me at my locker, kay?" I nod, obediently before sprinting to my next class.

Of course, I ended up late, so I was sent to the office to get a pass. I was never late for class. So much for perfect attendance this year. Having a girlfriend sucks.


News got around fast.

I got dirty looks from guys that envied me and curious ones from girls. I can almost guess what they're thinking: what does the legendary Isabelle Lightwood see in a close to a nobody like Simon Lewis?

When I reach the parking lot to meet up with Clary, I see Clary charging towards me. "Simon Lewis, you have a lot of explaining to do!" she yelled from her car. She sped to where I was and pulled me in through the window. "Holy shit Clare! Watch it!"

"Why didn't you tell me you and the Princess are dating?" she didn't sound too happy about the idea. I had a feeling. she wouldn't

I take a deep breath before explaining the story Isabelle gave me if this type of question ever came up in a conversation. "It sort of just happened." Okay that wasn't exactly what Izzy told me to say. What she wanted was: I had a crush on her for a while and finally got the courage to ask her out yada yada. She can be so cliché. "Whatever, why didn't you tell me you were planning to ask her out?"

"I was but you were too busy sucking face so yeah."

She punched my arm really hard. "Ow!" I yelped.

"We're best friends, Simon. We're supposed to tell each other everything."

"Yeah right, you don't tell me things."

She gripped the wheel, her knuckles turning white. She floored it until we reached the mall. "I tell you everything." She whispered her voice small. She looked hurt by what she seems to think was betrayal. But what she didn't know is that she betrayed me when she'd ditch me for drinking and parties and the "cool" kids table.

"Look I'm sorry okay?" I reach over to take her hands off the wheel and place it on her lap. "I should have told you. I just didn't think you'd approve." She gives me a smirk. "Why wouldn't I?" her voice dripped of sarcasm.

"Clary," I sighed.

"I know, I know." She looked out the window for a while, seeming the get lost in her thoughts.

"Well I'm happy that you're happy," she finally says then. If only she knew the truth. I was almost tempted to tell her, but then I quickly remembered all of the shedevil's threats. I just barely manage a nod.

It was lunch by the time we got back to school. That meant I had to go find the shedevil. "See yah later Fray," I called after her as she went to go park the car. She wasn't very pleased with my ditching her, but she understood I had to find Isabelle.

"Hey," I was breathless by the time I got to Izzy's locker. She looked up, a small smile lingering on her rosy lips. "Hey Simon, to the caf?" she laced her fingers with mine, and led me to the cafeteria. I've never actually spent lunch there. "By the way, we're going shopping after school."

"Whoa, you serious?"

"Duh, you need a makeover."

I smirked. I didn't want a makeover. Plus I was broke.

"I'll pay for everything. C'mon." she urged.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

"Good!" She brought me to her table where her twin brother was sitting with a bunch of their friends. "Iz?" Alec arched his brow at me as if to say why is he here?

"We're dating now, Alec." She rolled her eyes as if that was obvious.

"Since when?"

"Since whenever. Stop asking questions."

Alec didn't say anything else after that. Just glared at me for the rest of the lunch period. I tried not to look at him directly in the eye, but I could still feel his eyes burning holes at the side of my face, ready to pounce and stuff me in a blender.

The rest of the school day was pretty normal. I walked Izzy to each class and I was rewarded with a kiss. People still stared and whispered about us and I got some questions from some guys in my 5th period asking how I managed to get the Princess to go out with me. I guess Clary isn't the only one that uses that nickname huh?

I was actually enjoying myself, surprisingly. I have something to do when I'm not with Clary or my other buddies playing video games. It's like a job, except I don't actually get paid. I should, though.

I met Izzy afterschool at her locker before we went to the mall. "I still don't get why we have to go shopping, Izzy." She shrugged, going through the glove compartment to retrieve a pack of cigarettes. "Light one for me?" I nod, searching for the lighter.

"Thanks," she says when I hand it to her. She takes a drag before explaining. "I want you to look good especially if we're going to be dating. You got to look the part."

Seriously, this chick cannot be that vain.


She took another drag before throwing the cig out the window. Unlike Clary, Izzy was actually a pretty decent driver. She texts and drives but we all have our flaws. We didn't talk during the ride, making the silence between us solidify. I turned on the radio in hopes of filling the awkwardness.


Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear

'Cause though the truth may vary

This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore


Don't listen to a word I say


The screams all sound the same


"Whoa, you like Of Monsters and Men?" She blush in embarrassment. She set her lip in a tight line. "So?" she spat as if I discovered a dirty little secret of hers.

"Iz it's cool. That's actually something we have in common."

She didn't respond for a while, but I could tell her mind was set at ease. The song continued on until she switched it to some bubblegum poppy song. I frowned, must mean we're here.

I take a deep breath. Today is going to be something....

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