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October 31, 2013 Masquerade Ball

It was Halloween.

Also known as one of the most dangerous yet magical nights a person can have, depending on what you do that day. I'm going to the Lightwoods' annual Halloween party like anybody who's anybody, which I'm finally anybody, thanks to Izzy. We haven't talked in a while, so I don't know if the deal is still on. Honestly, I miss her a bit. She made senior year interesting so far for me, and I wish I could thank her for it. I haven't been hanging out with Clary, so things have been a little lonely lately. I mean she basically has nothing over me anymore since Clary already knows I like her.

I never truly understood the deal Izzy and I had. Like I doubt it was just to keep up appearances! She can't be that vain! There has to be more to that deal than what she's not telling me, and I'm going to confront her about it at the party.

According to one of my buddies, Marvin, this year's theme is Masquerade. Mrs. Lightwood mentioned that she was inspired by the Phantom of the Opera when her and her husband went to go see it on Broadway.

I went over to Eric's house where all of my friends were supposed to meet up to get ready. It was harder to get ready for a Masquerade Ball than I thought. There was a ridiculous dress code where the guys had to be in a suit and tie and of course the mask. I feel even more sorry for the girls. Those dresses must have cost a fortune. Plus they look uncomfortable to even stand in.

"Sorry again, man. I didn't know Clary was gonna freak like that." Eric apologized for the millionth time since I told him what his stupidity got me. I shook my head. Whatever, I really just wanna see Izzy. I have way too many unanswered questions needing to be addressed, "Where are the others?" I ask instead of letting Eric know it was alright. He needed to sweat a little.

"Uhm," Eric hesitated. "I think they said they rather go get free candy or something, so it's just you and me." Seriously? God, I have some immature friends...I'd be lying though if I didn't say I was a bit jealous. I miss Trick or Treating.

"Okay, I guess." I mumbled, disappointed. It's okay Simon, I thought to myself. Just think, this is like a mission. You need to go find Izzy! That was a better way of looking at it.

"Come on, let's go."

It was a weird looking party to say the least. I've never actually seen a masquerade before. Not even in movies. I couldn't recognize anyone here. Great, how am I going to find Izzy now?

"I'll be over there, kay?" I hear Eric say before slipping away to God knows what. Great, I guess I'm on my own here.

"Care to dance?" asks a very familiar voice.

I turn to face a masked beauty in a dark red and black victorian styled dress. I give her a smile, extending my hand to her. "My lady, I'd be honored." She takes it gracefully and leads me to the dance floor.

"Where have you been?" I whispered, making sure not to break eye contact with her.

"Why you do need to know, Simon?" she grins. "Do you suddenly care?" she asked, tauntingly. I bit my lip before answering her.

She did not seem to like the answer.

"I should go." she whispered in my ear before breaking away from me.

"Wait! Izzy!" But she was gone. I sigh in frustration. I just want to talk to her. Is that so bad? Is talking to me really that bad? I need to know if she might like me. I need to know why she disappeared. I need to know her. But she's not letting me! She's such a stuborn little ... bitch!

Izzy's POV (surprise!)

There he was. Simon. I know it was probably not a smart thing to invite him to this, or to leave him hanging, but I don't know. I don't think I can face him anymore. I humiliated myself by letting him go to that stupid redhead. It hurt when he didn't fight when he left. But now he's here. What should I do...?

I decided to be bold. That's all I really can do right now. And this is a masquerade after all! It wouldn't be easy to identify me, so it'd be easier to talk to him for a but before they notice.

"Care to dance?" I asked him. He turned to me with a relieved look on his face. Was he looking for me? Probably not. Why would he? I sort of blackmailed him into going out with me. "My lady I'd be honored."

He stuck his hand out to me, and I took it without hesitation, leading him to the dance floor.

"Where have you been?" he whispered, eyes never leaving mine. I bit the inside of my cheek, contemplating whether I should tell him anything or just let him keep guessing?

"Why do you need to know, Simon?" I ask, trying to sound as innocent as possible. His question reminds me of what Alec told me before around September. He came to see me. I didn't ask him to come, but he came to see me. But Alec told him to leave before we got in major trouble with Mom and Dad.

"Do you suddenly care?" I taunt, lining his jaw with my index finger.

"You know I do..." he replied, voice trailing off. I glared at him. Why does he care all of a sudden? I'm a bitch, he shouldn't care about me...

"I should go." I tell him before I do something I might regret later on.

"Wait Izzy!" But I didn't turn back.

"Isabelle!" it was Alec. I sighed, fixing my make up before opening the door to my room. I was really not in the mood for anything right now. "You talked to him, didn't you?" I just glared at him, hoping he'd take a hint and go away.

"You know what they said...there's a reason why they homeschooled you Izzy!"

"So what if I talked to him?! Huh, nothing happened. We barely said two sentences to each other! Get over it Alec!" I was about to slam the door shut, but he was quicker, slipping through the small crack.

"Do you want to get in trouble? I'm trying to protect you Iz!" He huffed, clearly frustrated with me. "I don't need you, Alec. Never did. Never will." I hissed. I smiled as he flinched at my words.

"You're going to need me..." he whispered before getting up from my bed and walking out the door, slapping it shut behind him.

"We'll see about that." I said to myself. We'll see.

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