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"NOOO!" I yelled as Isabelle punged into the flames. "Let go of me!" These people are crazy, I thought. I needed to get her. She shouldn't care about the things in there! Alec could have easily gotten them the things they needed without a sweat. Finally, I managed to pull away from the people restraining me. "Izzy!" I called. "Izzy!" I coughed as the smoke began filling my lungs. I cannot lose her. I only care for her now. If she's gone...then what will become of me now?

"Ahhhh!" A scream broke through the thoughts clouding my mind. "Isabelle? Izzy? Fuck. Don't you die on me!" I ran towards the screams until I found Isabelle frantically trying to put out her leg. I rushed to her side, though I was starting to get dizzy. The smoke was getting to me now. But I needed to pull through. For Izzy. For my girl.

"Simon! Get the safe. Please." she sobbed. I took the towel she was using to cover her head, and placed it on her leg, instantly putting out the flames. "We need to get you somewhere safe first. The safe will survive." I scooped her up in bridal style, rushing to find the nearest exit. "Don't do something so stupid again." I whispered in her ear. "I don't want to lose you, you got that?"

Isabelle nodded.


2:55 am

I wake up in a strange dark room. Where am I? I tried to push myself up, but my body felt like it was made of lead. Then it all cane back to me. Simon found me before I burned away into nothingness. He saved me. But where is he now?

"You're awake." a familiar voice whispered.

"Alec?" Isabelle was still in shock. He's changed since she last saw him. He got even taller, making him almost three more inches taller than me. His hair was no longer in that bowl cut fashion I always hated, and was shorter. He looked more mature. I could almost cry at the sight. I wasn't there to witness my brother grow up into a man. It was heart breaking.

"I missed you." I whispered. All I wanted to do was hug him. Hug him and never let go. But I also needed answers, so I pushed the feelings aside. We could always talk later on when this is all over.

"Where's Simon?" I asked. Alec frowned. Well that wasn't a good sign. He tried his best to avoid eye contact, which meant that something happened. "Oh no..."

"I'm sorry...We tried everything."

"No....no.." I shook her head. This can't be happening. It's not true. Alec is lying....but why would he lie. He was on our side.

Alec wrapped his arms around me, whispering empty comfort words. Though I hugged him back, I felt worst. Empty. How could I let this happen?


12:55 am

"Take him. You got that. And hide him. Far away. I don't want him aywhere near Isabelle." said a vaguely familiar voice. Who? Who is there?

"I think he's waking up." it sounded like Rebecca. "Si? Honey, it's big sis. Can you hear me?" I tried to mutter a response but winded up saying gibberish.

"Don't forget what we talked about." the voice hissed.

"I won't." Rebecca replied.


6:43 am

We hadn't done this in forever. It felt weird now. But strangely comforting. Nostalgic even. I was able to sleep soundly as we laid there with Alec's arm around my waist. I still couldn't cry. I should be, but they just wouldn't come out. Alec said that it was normal. That I was still in shock of the news.

Simon is dead. And it's all my fault. If I hadn't ran into the house to retrieve those stupid pieces of paper, he'd be alive. I'm so stupid. He told her not to go! Ugh! I just wanted to kick something.

"Something's bothering you..." Alec whispered in my ear. His breath, leaving trails of goosebumps down my back. It feels weird. My body's never had that reaction to him before. What is this?

"It's nothing." I mumbled, burying my face into the pillow. The tears have inconveniently made their appearance. I've never cried in front of my brother. Not once. And I didn't want to start now. "Look at me."

I shook my head.

"Look at me." his lips, pressed against my neck.

"Don't do that." I mumbled into my pillow. This was getting really weird now. I shouldn't have let him on the bed. But since we were siblings, I didn't think it'd matter. But Alec was getting weird, and now my body was having weird reactions. I was afraid to look at him. What if something happens? Something I can never take back. I was terrified with what was happening. Overwhelmed. I wanted to scream, to get out and run, but my body still ached, and it seemed to have a mind of its own. It didn't want to leave.

I felt his hand under my chin. Our eyes met. There was something dark about him. The way his eyes looked hungry. I came to the conclusion that this wasn't the awkward boy I once knew. Whatever happened while I was away, it was bad. They changed him. That was the only explaination. They changed Alec, and now he was on their side.

Meaning now she was in the arms of the enemy.

A/N: Hey y'all. Really had the urge to update tonight so I did! ^_^ Lemme know what you think lol

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