Cat's Out of the Bag

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"Simon!" Clary gasped, pushing me away. "Oh my God, did you just kiss me?" I didn't respond. I couldn't. I was too shocked with what had just happened. Did I , Simon Lewis, just kiss my best friend, Clarissa Fray? It only lasted a few seconds, but I could still feel her touch. I can't believe it.

"Eric was right! You do like me!" She gasped, her hand covering her mouth to shield her lips from me.

I tilted my head, confused.


I looked to where she was. She didn't look so broken as earlier when she confessed her drama with Jace to me. She set me up...

"What the hell, Clary!" I yelled. getting up and walking towards my room. She can show herself out. Fuck it. I'm so ready to kill Eric. Why the fuck would he tell Clary I liked her. I mean I do, maybe even love, but now I have Isabelle confusing my feelings.

"Don't walk away from me, Simon Lewis!" she shouted. I could hear her footsteps approaching. I was about to lock the door of my bedroom, when she pushed through and sat on my bed, furious. "We need to talk!"

"Get out, Clary." I said, no energy left in my voice. Can't she just leave? Why is she making such a big deal out of this? I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. She didn't budge. I sigh, deciding to go back to my regular routine. I went to my closet to change into pajamas. Just pajamas.

"Oh God, Lewis." She hissed. I turn to find her covering her eyes. I couldn't help but grin. It's her fault. She wouldn't leave. I went to my computer, hoping to get some homework done while completely ignoring Clary's presence.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she mumbled then after a few minutes of blissful silence. She sounded really hurt, which confused me even more. I mean, it wouldn't have made a difference if I did tell her. She'd always go back to Jace. He has her wrapped around her finger and everything.

"Would it make a difference?" I asked. I wasn't trying to be harsh, but I really wanted her to drop the subject and leave me be.

"I don't know..." Well I didn't expect that answer.

"What do you mean you don't know, Clary?" She didn't answer then. I looked up from my homework, spinning my chair to face her. She was looking down at her hands; her hair making a curtain, blocking the view of her face.

"I got to go," She stated, before slowly peeling herself from my bed, and exiting through the door. I didn't go after her. I was still too shocked at her answer. She didn't know. She was as confused as I was.

Well this just got interesting.

A/N: Hey lovely readers! sorry for such a short chapter after all that time of waiting! But I will be updating tomorrow for sure so yeah. You can beat me up if I dont haha. I just thought the thing I was gonna add to this chapter would be better separated so yeah. Hope you enjoyed this short chapter. You can make your guesses on what's gonna happen next if you'd like ;) Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter or want to cut my head off for having such a short chapter >.<

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