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There are days when I just want to walk up to you and scream in your face "No one knows you like I do, Now lets get out of here" But then realization kicks in and i'm haunted but the thought. Maybe that's why. The reason you did it ?, Replaced me leaving me in agonizing pain for the months to come. Crying my eyes out. Slipping once again in school, Which I shouldn't blame it on you because its been happening for a while thanks to something I cannot control, My adhd, But once again you made it much harder, like you do everything else. I didn't realize someone can brake me more then I already was. But you figured out a way how. She knows you more, Possibly way beyond what I thought I knew about you. Correction want I know about you because the memories still come flashing back like a picture book and I cant seem to get it to stop. I fear getting close to another human being because I fear a repeat in history. But I guess I should get close to someone else and see if they can figure out, Just like you did, How to break me even more then I already am. Because as sad and depressing as it may sound. I didn't deserve to get my heart broken by you, Your a goddess and I am nothing. I don't even compare to a speck of bacteria. And I guess that's that way it should be.

- Jennifer : ) .

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