looks could lie and so could sound.

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You may believe that I have my head together when it comes to him, But truth is I could no longer look at him the same anymore. One look into his eyes makes my never ending nerve system shoot sky rocket high. Heat rushing into my body and me hoping to not show color in my face. You remind me of myself which could be a good thing and a bad thing. Because I wont have to fear your mind since they are somewhat familiar. But once again I fear my mind so shouldn't I fear yours too ?, Maybe not because you might not wanna destroy me as I myself would like to. But you also seem to read ones actions and expressions as I do so easily due to personal experiences, I can read your lips as you mumble upon yourself as certain facial expression that flushes onto my face, does this mean you could also lie as easily as me ? or am I getting too ahead of myself ?. If I was to glance at you its like a sensor would go off in you head and  you would quickly turn creating eye contact, giving me a look of of a child in a candy factory, but also that look as if  you would like to take me right then and there. But once again my little Italian I wont let you. One last thing, Do you only make an effort to talk to me when your high off the devils lettuce or when you are sober enough to know what you really want ?

This did not come out how I would of liked it too... but bare with me because I don't think anything I write would.  

-Jennifer : )

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