we meet again

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Yesterday ended great and today started great, Of course neither of us slept. Too intrigued in the conversation we once longed for. But we covered it up with the idea that we simply couldn't sleep, Or so, Days before this it was hard to, The thought of you running through my mind like a track field. All some what refreshing but then again a way of self destruction.  You see I may be in a good place at the moment, But once again I'm like a ticking time bomb. It will be so little until i'm once again in the the place i'm more than familiar with, The place where I spend most of my days battling something so disgustingly cruel, And dark. Myself. But you were the distraction,  At times. You may have cause me wounds so deep that there is a hole in my chest where my so helpless heart once stayed, Just to be scraped between the bottom of your shoe and the concrete sidewalk, Left for someone else to find and kick it into the river. But don't worry because needless to say only so much of my heart was left before you came along. You may have cried that river, after the the thought came rushing in that you wasn't the only person with feelings in this game for two, Until the thought came rushing in that you were going to regret doing what you did, That one thing that caused me much pain, But now it did you too. You cried a river. But I cried an ocean, Because you had someone else to distract you, To laugh, To bond, To share like we once did. But I was left with nothing but the battle with myself and the thought you.

- Jennifer : ) .

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