Paranormaly Insane

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I am crazy. According to what everyone else thought. I was the one everyone always avoided because their little clan wouldn't look at them the same way if the saw them with me. I have been into paranormal investigation for a while. I believe in many crazy things, but other people don't believe me. People always made fun of me. I didn't look like I cared, but deep inside, it really hurt.

I saw moving to a new school as an opportunity to start over. To act normal and not made fun of. I would be really careful not to bring up any of the things I believed in, or else I would be the crazy one again.

I stood by the stop sign, waiting for the bus to come. A cool breeze passed my face, my hair swayed in front of my eyes. I stuffed my hands in my pockets. Butterflies started to flutter in my stomach. What if no one talks to me? What if people do find out about what I believe in? What if people do think i'm crazy? These "what if"s had flooded my mind. I wasn't so excited anymore. Now I was terrified. Ok come on Elm, stop being such a wimp. Stop being such a pessimist. It's like I'm asking for all this to happen.

The nose of the bus peaked from around the corner. "Finally," I muttered. The bus screeched to a stop. The words "SKOOL BUS" were written in big letters along the side. The doors slid open with a bunch of squeaks. The bus driver was a big woman, with black hair in a high bun and makeup smothered over her face. I stepped up onto the bus and turned toward the aisle. To my surprise, everyone was staring at me. The bus went silent

"Is that a new student?" someone whispered.

"I don't know. I haven't ever seen her around though, she probably is," another person whispered back. All the chatter resumed on the bus and I continued to look for a seat.

I slowly walked all the way to the back of the bus, feeling all the junk the other obnoxious kids had thrown on the floor underneath my feet. I got a couple stares on the way to my seat while I myself had a very nervous look on my face. I spotted an empty seat all the way near the back of the bus. I walked toward it, sat down, moved my things over, and relaxed. Maybe it won't be so bad. But maybe it will.

The bus screeched to a halt, waking me up. Since when did I fall asleep? Ah whatever. The kids stood up and walked off the bus in single file. I picked up my things and followed. I honestly had no idea what to do or where to go. So far all I was trying to do was stay hidden in the gigantic crowds. I don't want to get noticed.

The kids kept walking outside these double doors. Using common sense, I figured out that was the entrance to the school. I managed to find a way to overcome the extremely cramped crowd and get inside. Ok one problem. I have no idea where to go. Ok Elm, think. Where should I go? The office! Duh.

I pushed my way through the crowds of other kids trying to get into classrooms looking for the office. Once again I had no idea where to go. Maybe I should ask someone. I turned my head and spotted a boy with spiky black hair, glasses, an unzipped coat, and a blue shirt with a face on it. I should ask him.

I walked over to the boy and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around. "Hi I'm new here. I need to know where the office is. Can you tell me where it is?" I asked him.

"Oh the office is straight done there," he pointed to my right, "and to the left."

"Thanks." I put on a smile and turned around to walk away.


I stopped walking and turned around.


"Whats your name?" He asked.

I turned completely around and took one step toward him. I put on another smile, "I'm Elm. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"I'm Dib. Nice to meet you too. Hey I got to get to class, I'll see you around." He waved and turned around and walked into the crowds, like they were eating him.

I turned around and walked my way into the office.

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