Chapter 3

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Lunch time. Great. Now's the time where I would have to sit alone and everyone would see I have no friends. Whatever. I patiently waited in a line for my so called food. I'm not exactly sure if it was that though. It was I'm pretty sure peas and... I can't even name what this other "food" was. Well, it will have to do. Right? I grabbed a spoon, fork, and a water bottle and walked off the line.

After a few steps, I froze. Great now I have no where to sit. I looked around to see any place I could sit. Maybe someone else sitting alone. I spotted that green kid sitting alone but... I don't trust him. I looked around a bit more. A bunch of people walked passed me bumping into me, I almost dropped my lunch. At least I didn't. Well there was no where to sit. Great. Now I have to go back to sitting alone. Just what I wanted. As I was about to give up on looking for somewhere to sit, I turned my head and found Dib. Wait, I could sit with him. Right? All I did was ask him a question. But I'd rather not sit alone. I turned my head again just to spot that green kid poking at his "food" with a fork then making a disgusted face. Yeah I'm sitting with Dib. He was sitting with some other girl, younger than him, who was playing on a Game Slave 2.

I walked over to their table very slowly. Part of me felt a little awkward doing this, and another part was telling me to do this. I took a deep breath, and continued to walk to their table. When I got to his table he wasn't looking.

"Dib," I said, hoping he'd look at me. He didn't move.

"Dib," I said again, louder. This time he heard me. He turned around, looking a bit confused, then his expression lightened up a bit.

"Oh hey Elm," he said back to me. I half smiled to him.

"Can I sit down?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure,"

I placed my tray down and sat. The girl looked up at me from her Game Slave, then looked back down.

"Thats Gaz, my sister," Dib gestured toward Gaz

"Hi Gaz," I managed to make a really peppy voice. She looked up at me again. This time she growled, then looked back down. Well I'm definitely staying away from her. I looked down at my tray of food. I took some bites. We kept silent the rest of lunch. Well the first day did not go THAT bad

"You were awfully quiet today, Dib," Gaz grumbled as she crushed an empty juice box.

"What, I just didn't feel like talking," Dib said, looking away from her. Gaz grumbled and dropped the juice box. Something tells me Dib is not acting as he usually acts. Well who knows? I just met him.

The kids ran outside in a boisterous way. I didn't want to get caught in that crowd so I waited until they all went out, Dib stayed with me. I wanted to know more about Dib. What should I ask him?

"So Dib, what's your favorite color?" My god. What's wrong with me? Whats your favorite color? I need to someone to teach me social skills because I obviously didn't master them.

"Um blue," he replied. "What's yours?"

"Purple," I looked down at my shoes trying to avoid awkwardness but of course, that can't happen. Well with me at least.

Outside, everyone was playing games with everyone. Dib and I just continued walking in silence. Ugh come on there should be a conversation going on here.

"So what's up with that green kid?" Did I just... Thanks brain. I hate you.

"That's Zim," Dib turned to me. "He claims he has some sort of skin condition."

Claims. Of course I don't believe Zim because... You know me.

"You sure he's not some sort of alien?" It took me a second to realize I said that out loud. I froze and had a blank expression on my face now. Oh my god he thinks I'm crazy now. Well my brain officially hates me thanks for thinking out loud. Dib didn't look that confused, he looked more shocked.

"Actually, I think-KNOW he is,"

"What?" What is all I can say.

"Well I've seen him without his disguise. I have saved the world from him many times. He's from this planet called Irk, I don't really know much about the planet. I have been trying to capture him for a whi- yeah you think I'm crazy now don't you."

My mouth hung open. Did I just find someone who wouldn't think I'm crazy? I was trying to hide my beliefs so he wouldn't think I'm crazy and he hid HIS beliefs from me so I wouldn't think he is crazy. "No Dib, I believe you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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