Chapter 2

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I sat crossed legs in the cushiony chairs in the office. There was four chairs lined up next to mine and each one had a dirty torn-up dark green cushion. The principal told me to sit here while she looked for my information. I waited patiently.

"Ok I found what you need," the principal walked out of a door in the back of the office. He was very... How do you say this... Creepy. He looked like a tall silhouette more than a person with eyes that just emerge from that darkness. And worst of all, he has... A beaver. He's holding a beaver and petting it. Ok thats not normal. "You are in Ms. Bitters class, which is three rooms to the right from here."

"Ok, thanks," I stood up about to walk out of the office.

"Wait," he walked toward me. I froze in place. Oh god he's so creepy. "Take this," he extended one of his hands, the other one still holding the beaver, and in it was a bunch of papers.

"Uh ok," I shakily reached my hand out and took the papers. I flipped through them. Schedule, permission slips, other crap that wasn't important.

I ran out of the office not giving him a chance to say anything else. Ok so I have to get to Ms. Bitters class. Three rooms to the right ok. I turned right and started walking. This place looks all old and run-down. It looks abandoned. Ok, maybe I do want to go back to my old school. This place is starting to creep me out.

I found Ms. Bitters' classroom. The door was closed. I couldn't hear anything from inside the classroom. As I lifted my hand up to knock on the door I saw her pick up the phone and shout something into it. She, like everyone else I have seen here, was also very creepy. Was she even a human? She is tall and has white hair up in a bun and a long black cloak. After a little more talking she slammed the phone down and started... Uh I guess you can say... Floating? Yea ok, floating toward the door. With one quick movement she burst open the door and snatched me inside. I had no time to think so it scared the crap out of me. I almost dropped everything I was holding. I quickly scanned the room to see who was in my class. The kid from before was there. Whats his name, Dib? Yeah thats it. Dib was in my class. I looked around and saw another kid on the opposite side of Dib and he was... Green. Was he... An alien? Ok Elm don't act crazy.

"Class, this is our new student, Elm. She will be staying in our class because the school board decides to torture me with all you filthy children,"

Uh, ok.

"Ok Elm, if you have anything to say, say it now!"

I shook my head without saying a word. Oh god I'm so awkward.

"Alright," she walked forward a little bit. "You there," she pointed at a small girl with a pink shirt in the middle left hand of the classroom. "I'm sending you to the underground classrooms," she took a big red button out of her cloak and pressed it. Right when she did, the floor underneath the desk opened up and the girl with the desk fell down into a dark room. Her screams faded with time until you heard a thud. The floor went back to normal and a new desk fell on top.

I jumped back with shock. My mouth flew open a little bit. What? Is that how school is like here? I really don't want to go to this school. Everyone else looked calm, as if they didn't care. I looked over at Dib, my shocked expression a little faded. Our eyes locked. He waved his hand as a gesture that showed that I shouldn't care. I closed my mouth and stepped forward again. I walked toward my seat, and sat down.

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