anxiety attacks are fun!

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so i started going to a private christian school and i absolutely fucking hate it. i'm hella gay if you didn't know and i can't take being in such a christian environment. i was homeschooled for literally one year (the year before this) and dID NOT WANT TO LEAVE TO COME TO THIS SCHOOL MIGHT I ADD. so yesterday i told my mom i hated the school and asked if she could order a home school curriculum. she went on and on about how "being in this environment will change me back to the te'a she knows and loves". shit like that.

so then i went to the bathroom to "take a shower" but really i just turned on the water and had a HUGE silent anxiety attack. i was just having anxiety about lots of shit. once it starts theres no stopping. it got to the point where i threw up, couldn't breath, and eventually was shaking all over. life's great.

EWTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang