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so i stopped going to the christian school and went back to my old school (public school) and i'm v v glad.
i have some anxiety but i didn't know it was super bad until last week..

so last week everyday i kept getting the feeling i was gonna throw up. like i got the symptoms; watery mouth, tight jaw, spinning room, queasy stomach, but no bubbles. but i never threw up. it happened everyday for the whole last week. i ended up not eating lunch the second half of the week. (which is typical.) i would have to start tapping my fingers rapidly or jiggling my legs while chugging water.

then i asked my aunt (who's a councilor) what was wrong and she told me it was anxiety. like really bad anxiety. like anxiety given to me by my friends.

so my mom is taking me to the doctor on Friday to get it confirmed.
sorry i just needed to rant about that lol...

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