the haunted house ft: madeline

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so yesterday i went to a haunted house with my crush and had soooo much fun! i love talking about her so get ready.

so we picked her up and stuff and her dog literally attacked me. even though she looked really casual, i still thought she look beautiful.

so we waited in line for two hours and all we did was flirt with each other and took awkward pictures of each other. then we got inside (she had already been to this 3 times, so she told me when the clowns popped out cause i'm TERRIFIED of clowns.)

i wad shaking before we even went inside so she let me hold onto her waist( which literally was the best feeling ever.) and she rubbed my arms and held my hand and i literally couldn't focus on the clowns.
since i do live in a small town, all the people in the haunted house knew me.

then after we left the first house, i was shaking and almost crying and she took my hand and pulled me into a hug that i swear was the best thing in the whole world.

then the second house i cried because we had to go through this trash bag thingy and i'm claustrophobic and a clown with a chainsaw chased us. then some crazy man was telling madeline to watch her language and she was like "LOOK HERE I'LL FUCKING CUT YOU BITCH" which made me laugh.

then we went through a room where madeline goes "what the fuck, why does it smell like cat food" 50 times and the clown goes "shut up about the cat food" which also made me laugh so hard.

then after that was over i was a wreck and she hugged me again which was lovely. also she smells so fucking good. then after she hugged me, she looked like she wanted to kiss me until my step dad walks up and goes " DANG THAT WAS SCARY" and i was like.


then we dropped her off and whatnot. overall i give the night a 9 because my step dad ruINED MY KISS. WTFWTFWTF.

but anyways i really REALLY like her.😊😊🙃

when i even think of her face, i get all giggly and girly and i get butterflies.

she does some weird shit to me guys.

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