Chapter 15

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I sighed as I walked passed Asami. She grabbed my arm and those feelings came back again.

"Hey I need help." She said. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"Mako and I are doing a sting to catch the people who took my shipment that was heading down to the Southern Water Tribe." She said. 

"Okay and how exactly do I play a part in this?" I asked. 

"We need more man power and I thought you, Yuki, and Fire-lily could be help." She smiled. Oh god how could I say no to that smile. 

"Um well Yuki and I are all that I can give you besides maybe Mark. Fire-lily went with Korra to the Fire-Nation to ask my Great Uncle and Aunt Ursa if they could help with the war." I said. She nodded.

"Yeah Mako said something about her being out of town." Asami muttered. 

"I'll go askMarkto see if he wants to help." I said.

"Thanks Kyo," She smiled as she kissed me lightly on the cheek. I smiled and then ran off to find Mark.


So it was official this sting was boring as hell cause so far nothing had happened. Also Mako had decided to bring some of the Triple Threats into the equation which made Markreally uncomfortable since he had been with the Agni Kais for a while. Yuki came over to me. 

"You will not believe what I just overheard." He muttered. 

"What?" I asked looking over at him.

"Korra and Mako broke up." He said. 

"Well that makes sense on why Korra seemed upset when her and Fire-lily left." Mark said. I sighed and leaned against the railing of the boat. 

"This is stupid. No one is coming!" I snapped slamming my hand on the railing. 

"Chill they will come." Yuki said. After another ten minutes I stared at Yuki expectantly. 

"Okay so maybe they aren't and Mako is crazy." He muttered. I heard a hissing sound and I looked past Yuki to see Mako motioning for us to come to him. I tapped Mark and Yuki and we all walked over there acting casually. 

"What's up?" I asked. 

"The triple threats were hired to keep us busy." He murmured. 

"So what are we going to do?" I asked. 

"Get off the ship." Mako said. We ran around the corner with him and Asami and ran into the pack of trip threats. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Shady slim asked. Mako then knocked them off their feet with a fire blast. We all quickly jumped into an emergency life boat. I did a quick fire ring cutting the ropes holding it to the boat and it crashed into the water and as soon as it did Asami roared the engine to life and we took off. Of course they had to chase us. Mako started to shoot fire blasts at them and then ice pillars started to form in front of us. I quickly sent off my own fire blasts to melt them in case Asami didn't have to swerve as much. That's when Mako jumped into the front beside me and we were lifted into the air. I grabbed onto the seat. Mako ended up in the backseat once we landed back into the water and he landed on Mark and Yuki. I heard a collective groan and I chuckled. 

"They're getting closer!" Yuki yelled. 

"We're gonna be okay!" Asami said getting ready to go between two boats.

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