Chapter 5

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I was sitting up on the couch with the blanket wrapped around me. Bolin was sitting next to me.

"Eat," Mako said. I glanced up at him.

"I'm not hungry." I murmured. 

"Fire-lily stop saying that and eat before it gets cold." Mako said. It already was but I heated it up quickly with my hands and sighed. 

"You haven't eaten all day." Bolin said.

"I'm just not that hungry." I murmured. 

"It's cause of what happened we know're scared and because of that you're not hungry but you need to eat something for strength." Mako said. 

"It's not that." I murmured as I looked out the window. 

"Then what is it?" He asked. 

"It's the day my dad was murdered." I murmured. 

"Oh," Bolin said. I nodded and just to please them I took a long sip out of the bowl and looked at them as they smiled at me.

"First year away from the family..." I murmured as Kyo came up.

"Hey," He said. I waved at him. He came over and sat down right next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I finished off my soup and set the bowl on the table as Mako smiled. 

"Good finally." Mako said. 

"Come on I set up stuff up by the water." He said. I nodded and unwrapped the blanket from around myself and grabbed my coat. 

"I'll see you guys later." I said. 

"Bye," Bolin said. I followed Kyo down the stairs to the Aang Memorial Island. There by the entrance doors was a memorial set up with a picture of dad and Avatar Aang next to it. 

"I thought you know we should honor both." He murmured. I nodded. I lit the candles and sat down in front of the pictures. I put my hands over my face and started to cry. Kyo wrapped his arm around my shoulders and hugged me as he murmured the prayer my mother said for us every time this year. 

We stayed there for a hour or two before heading back. By that time it was time for the championship games. There were so many metal benders here making sure that we were all safe and sound and no Amon or his henchmen got in here. Mark had his arms wrapped around my waist and he smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek lightly. 

"How you making out?" He murmured. 

"I'm doing okay." I said. He nodded and I looked back at him and kissed him lightly. 

"Okay so I know there's a big crowd but you'll do great." Bolin said. I looked back to see his fire ferret Pabu and I smiled. 

"He's so cute." I murmured. Mark chuckled smiled. That's when I saw the lights started to dim and Korra, Mako, and Bolin with Pabu moved onto the stone walkway and the announcer came up through the floor. 

"Introducing the challenger, the Future Industry Fire-Ferrets!" The announcer said. Mako, Korra, and Bolin all waved and I saw Pabu do a trick. 

"He's so cute!" I squealed. Mark chuckled as Kyo showed up beside us. 

"And their opponents! The three time defending champs! The Wolf Bats!" The announced said.

"BOOOO YOU LOSERS!" I screamed. 

"Fire-lily." Mark laughed. They came out with costumes, and sparklers, plus they were howling.

"YOU'RE A PACK OF PANDA LILIES MORE LIKE IT!" I screamed. Mark laughed and I smiled. That's when the bell rang and they started to go. 

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