Chapter 10

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I smiled as I looked over the edge of the ship. We were almost back to the United Republic and Republic City where my mother would find a house and I could finish living up the rest of my existence. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Iroh. 

"Hey," I smiled. 

"Hey," He said. He came up beside me and leaned against the railing like I was. 

"Shouldn't you be like commanding your ship or something?" I teased. 

"They know where to go little one." He said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Stop calling me that." I said. 

"But you are so tiny." Iroh teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smiled at me. 

"Are you going to stay in the city long?" I asked. He shrugged and smiled. 

"I don't know maybe." He chuckled. I shook my head and laughed at him. We stood there in silence and then that's when I saw the mouth of the bay. I smiled. 

"Were you that sick of the Fire Nation?" He asked. 

"No I just wanted a change of scenery." I said. 

"Sure you did." He chuckled. I glanced at him from the side of my eyes and he smiled at me. 

"It's not because of Mark." I murmured. 

"Sure it's not." He smirked. I shook my head and then turned around. 

"We're going to be landing in like an hour." He said. I nodded and he glanced at me. 

"Do you want to practice?" He asked. I looked at him shocked. 

"Serious bro?" I asked. 

"Serious cousin." He chuckled.

"Alright your pain." I smiled. 

"I'm just glad this boat is metal." He chuckled. He went to where the door was before walking a few feet in front of him. He smirked and held up his hands. I got into my stance with my hands up and smirked. 

"Ready when you are Fire-Lily." He said. I nodded and then I did a few fire jabs before running straight at him. He dodged my jabs before doing a fire whip in front of my feet. I tripped and rolled to the ground. I did a fire spin-kick and got me back up onto my feet. 

"My mother been teaching you moves again?" Iroh teased. 

"Of course cause Aunt Ursa loves me!" I sang. He laughed and then shot some fire jabs of his own at me before I dodged them. I laughed and did a cart-wheel before I went to go do a fire-blast. 

"Oh so no fire-daggers?" Iroh teased. I laughed and made them appear in my hands. I came at him and I and he were just going back and forth trying to knock the other down when I smirked. I jumped at him and he went backwards like I thought. Then I went to tackle him off guard. 

"Whoa!" He said. I smirked as I sat down on him. 

"You lose." I smiled. 

"You cheated." He said. I shrugged. 

"It's call street fighting." I said. He chuckled and pushed me off him and he smiled at me.

"Want to go again?" He asked. 

"Sure," I smiled. We started practicing again and by then we had gotten a little crowd going. It was like Mako, Bolin, Korra, and Mark. Kyo and Yuki were cheering from the upper decks for freaking Iroh. After about fifteen solid minutes of going at it we were facing each other with our hands up breathing heavily. That's when I saw him moving. He had two fingers out stretched on each hand and I saw the sparks. Oh god he was going to shoot lightning at me. 

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