Chapter 8

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I sighed as I leaned back on the chusion and listened to what Korra was telling Chief Beifong and Tenzin. Well apparently Tarrlok is Yakone's son who is this evil creepy guy who could blood bend without a full moon. He was also captured by Amon and he took his bending away. I personally think it's karma. 

"-Amon is becoming very bold and I'm afriad he is entering his end game." Tenzin said as I tuned back into the conversation. Mark sighed and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Lets go outside." I murmured. He nodded and together we walked outside. We sat down out by the docks. We weren't talking but just enjoying the silence. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his shoulder. He sighed and as we watched the city. 

"So what do we do if Amon attacks the city?" Markasked. 

"Kick some booty." I smiled. He chuckled and kissed me lightly. I smiled and then sighed. 

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Nothing just you know on edge because of what happened." I murmured. He nodded and we saw Tenzin fly overhead with his flying bison. I heard the footsteps behind us and I looked back to see Lily. She bent down beside me and wrapped herself around Mark and I. I chuckled and leaned back on her. 

"Why didn't we use her to find Korra or Kyo?" He asked. 

"Well cause we left her here on the island and they were so quick about finding it...and yeah." I said. 

"Oh, right." He chuckled. I smiled. 

"Mark what is that?" I asked. 

"What?" He asked. I pointed to the black dots in the sky and he stood up. 

"I don't know." He said. That's when we heard the explosions. We ran back up to the courtyard to see Mako, Asami, Bolin, Korra, and Kyo already there with Chief Beifong. 

"The city is under attack." Chief Beifong said. I glared and whistled and Lily came up behind us. I took a deep breath and did a back-flip landing on her back. 

"One trip ashore," I smirked. 

"Catch!" Kyo yelled. I caught what he threw at me and I looked to see my armor in it. 

"Why do you keep wearing all that?" Mako asked as Mark and Kyo climbed on behind me. We all went down to the ship and got on heading for land. 

"It's metal." We said. 

"So?" Mako asked. 

"Chi-blocking doesn't work against metal." I smiled. He nodded and we sailed to Republic City. When we got there Lily jumped over the ship's side and onto the road and they all rushed out.

"Where did you leave the car?" Mako asked. We found the car down the street a ways slammed into a light pole.

"Great parking." Asami said sarcastically. 

"Well you guys had got arrested and I told you I didn't know how to drive." Korra said. 

"How are we going to pay for all these tickets?!" Bolin asked. 

"I don't think the cops are going to care." Mako said. I looked up at the sky while they all got in the car and got ready. 

"Ready for revenge little sis?" Kyo asked. 

"Was bron for it big bro." I smirked. When they got ready.

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"The police station." Korra said. 

"Meet you there." I said. She nodded and then we took off. We got there and saw Chi-blockers getting ready to take some of the metal benders away and then we quickly got off. I looked at Mark.  

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