holy fuck ive got an idea

23 2 16

ok thINk aBoUt IT

new story idea new story idea BARE W ME HERE

so. It's called I Mumble

or something

and it's a Dan Howell one ofc

aaaand he has, like, a disfunction?

Think of the movie What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Leonardo DiCaprio

Dan Howell

don't leave just yet bare with me here

I don't want anything with Dan's facial features because I still want you guys to picture him, you know?

With Leonardo DiCaprio, you're able to tell it's him
he so should have won an Oscar with that movie fuck

anyways DAN HOWELL

think of.. His hands.

those long, pale, bony fingers that are so close to being unusable because he has some kind of disorder

wait keep up with me

maybe somethings going on in the knees? can't walk right... pain or something.

uuh definitely numb hands, fingers, but he can manage.

I'll have to do some research- I'm reading the book Wonder so that should help

obvi inspo goes to that book rn

uuh no siblings.

yes siblings?

brother can hate him.

Dan's older, huh?

I'll think about it.

Maaayyybbeee Phil won't exist?

Maybe Phil will be the other person's brother.

and they become friends.

idk yet still under construction

uuhh should it be an X Reader?

I'm thinking no.. Tryna change it up a bit. Challenge myself. Get out of my comfort zone.

Weeelll what kind of book by me isn't going to have romance?!

No book so far!

bitch romance is my shit if you don't like it block me

I mean what that didn't just happen

sooo yeah

he mumbles

but I might still change the title because there's a different fic that has that title and I haven't read it and I'm scared the author will go after me

I also don't know who the author is


I'm worried


of course it can't be published until Innocent Lester is done

which it's half way there

uuhh what else @ me

that's basically it

I NEED your guys' opinion

I'll maybe write a bit so I can't put it up on my Imagine/One-Shot thing and ask them kids bout it

please tell me whether it's a good idea or not

I think it's gonna be great but I've gotta work out the kinks and stuff

lol kink

DISCLAIMER OF FIC: if you fuckers have anything against disorders or special people or down syndrome, literally block me and let's fight come on m8 you wanna go lets go you got something against my friends come at me m8 lets go you fockin wat I'll tackle you to the ground you'll look like you've been beaten by a girl. You wanna get beat by a girl? Come on let's go let's go let's go you focken wot

*coughs* that is all

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