New school. I just moved with my sister Angle. My parents died in a fire at the hospital.

"Bri, your gonna be late for school!" My sister yelled as I was finishing up my makeup.

I looked at her as she walked in my room. "How do I look?"

"Great, now go," she said handing me my bag, keys, and a granola bar.

I smiled at her and ran downstairs and out the door.

I made it to school with ten minutes to spare. I walked to the office. "Can I get my schedule please?" I asked the Secretary.


"Brianna Hilton," I said as she handed me the schedule.

I thanked her and walked out to my locker. I opened it and stuck my stuff in it and closed it.

I screamed when I saw a blonde girl leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm Dakota Champion, I'll show you around school," she said as I handed her my schedule.

She took it and looked it over. She looked back up at me and smiled. "We have all the same classes together," she said handing me my schedule.

Lunch came and I found myself sitting with Dakota and her friends, and her brother.

"This is Jake Barnett, Diesel Grade, Gage Champion, Grace Monroe, and Stacy Hanks," Dakota introduced me to her friends.

I waved shyly to them and continued eating my chicken nuggets. I lovvvve chicken nuggets.

I made it home to an empty house. Angle must still be at her designing school. She designs clothes and stuff and teaches people who wanna learn. Hunter, her husband works at a luxury hotel.

I walked to the kitchen and saw a note on the fridge.

Me and Hunter our going out to tonight. Leftover Tacos are in the fridge. Love you, Angle.

I sighed, there always out. Since I've been here they've been out a lot.

I groaned and walked to my room. I'm gonna be left home alone! A killer could kill me and I won't know what to do. Someone could break in and I won't know what to do.

Could this day get any worse. I spoke to soon. Because it just did.

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