I heard a gun shot from somewhere far. I sat in my room and cuddled with my cat, Kitty.

I woke up the next morning and walked to my closet. I grabbed my light blue skinny jeans and my white shirt that says harsh souls, and put on my Ugg boots.

I walked To my bathroom and showered and changed.

I walked downstairs and saw a empty house. I looked in Angles room and saw her and Hunter sleeping.

I walked back out and got a bowl of captain crunch cereal.
Two months later:

I sat at my desk during a math test. I had three problems done when I kept feeling a poke on my arm.

"Brianna," I heard Jake say poking me.

I snapped my head towards him and he stopped poking me. "Hi," he whispered smiling.

I looked at him sternly. "Really? That's all you wanted to say," I said looking back at my test.

I finished the test a little before the bell rang.

I walked to lunch with Dakota and out friends. We sat at our table and I grabbed my stuff out of my lunch pail.

I ate my nacho's in silence as everyone else talked. I didn't feel like talking today. Besides earlier to Jake because he wouldn't quit poking me.

"What's wrong?" Dakota asked me.

"Nothing," I said. Honestly, I didn't know what's wrong.

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