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Jimin's POV:

I scratched the side of my head half asleep walking my way back to the bedroom from using the bathroom.

Not paying attention I bump into the door that I guess I closed on my way out.

I turn the knob only half way and immediately realize the door was locked. I certainly know that I am not dumb enough to lock the door behind myself in my zombie mode.

"Ugh. Baby. Please unlock the door." I whined receiving no response. Not even the sound of the bed covers were crinkling.

"Maya. Open the door." I demanded slightly wiggling the door knob. Still nothing.

"Maya?" I then heard something come from down the hall by the kids rooms. Nothing much just little foot steps. Probably Emjae peeing again. I'll go check on him in a second.

I got on the ground, on my knees and peeped one eye under the door.

The lamp light was on. Its brightness reflects on the ground and gave it away.

"Ugghhhhhh. I know I didn't do that too. I swear she's so lazy sometimes." I mumbled to myself stomping away.


I've been here for a while know, almost in pain, wiggling this bobby pin around in the knob hoping for it to unlock. Something Ron taught me.

I stopped wiggling after hearing footsteps inside the room. I look under the door again and actually see her body moving around. What is she doing now?

"Maya Maya Maya. Aye. You're such an unpredictable person." I did a magic trick with the bobby pin and successfully opened the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. In the matter of those few seconds my dear beloved wife somehow managed to hide her head in between two pillows and pretended to be asleep without a sound heard.

"Come on stop playing. Why'd you turn on the lamp?" I crossed my arms and stood in place by my side of the bed.

"Babe. Stop with the act. What's up?" I moved the pillow away from her face and she still pretended to be asleep.

She's gotten this down. If I didn't see her move I would've honestly thought she was actually asleep.

"I swear if you're trying to do what you did yesterday night then-"

"Daddy!" I heard Emjae a call from the bathroom.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. Talk to me when I come back ok." I gave her leg a little pat leaving the room.

"Hm? What is- Jae?" I walked into an empty bathroom. Lights on, but no kid.

I turn off the light and went down the hall to check on the kids. They all seemed fine. Maybe I should really just go to sleep. Today my title was overused so I'm probably just being taunted. Some rest might just do the trick.

"Love, can you see if my foreheads hot? I thin-MAYA! MAYA?!" She was on the floor, eyes lids open, wide open, but there was one thing missing. The left eye.

I felt her pulse and figured she wasn't hiding her face. Someone must've suffocated her, and I'm pretty sure that person was still in the roo-

"DADDY!! MOMMY!! DADDY!! DADDY!!" Now I heard all the kids screaming this time around.

"I'm coming right back. Ok." I said trying not to tear up. After leaving the room I see the kids bedroom lights on and a big shadow by the door way, with all my speed I dashed down the hall.

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