|3| The Movies

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The Movies

"Well if you weren't driving so slow then we wouldn't be so late now would we?"

"No not really, I wasn't the slow one driving it was that old fuck in front of us ok. Get your facts."


"I didn't want to risk getting into an accident."

"Oh god. Jimin, since when has that EVER mattered to you when your driving? Huh? Literally just yesterday on the speedway you jumped in between two eighteen wheelers that had the space for one- JUST ONE smart car. A smart car! Somehow you managed to stick yourself in between and somehow, just somehow we're still breathing." He shutted up after that.

It was a movie night and the kids really wanted to go see that new cartoon movie that's been all over TV so tonight we decided to take them to go see it.

The NugFri Family.

It's supposed to be something about a chicken nugget who lost his wings when he was little and magically grew them back somehow and learns to fly again after becoming a chicken nugget. He changes his mankind.

Then there's something about the French Fries that are their long lost cousins and bla bla bla. They practically fly off into the sunset and happy ending you know? The usual.

"Rome what do you want to eat?" I asked who was in my arms.

"Can I get poocorn. Oh can have some more of that yellow stuff on it??" He held onto my neck.

"Who else wants some poocorn?"

"Me! Me! Me!" They all chanted.

"Order 3 large bags of popcorn and 3 cherry ice-es." I said to Jimin as I tried to distract the kids from looking at the little candy packets on the side that cost an arm and a leg.


"Shh the movies starting." I shushed Emjae who was sitting on my lap. Roman was in Jimin's and Jimari and Moon shared a seat to themselves.

"Mommy." Emjae whispered at me.


"We're almost out of poocorn."

"What. What do you me- I didn't even get any?" I took the bag from him and looked in it trying to find a crumb.

I looked at the other bags and their bags were still almost full.

I held him close to look on floor to see if he purposely spilt it on the floor.

Nope. Nothing was there.

"Where'd it all go?" I asked a bit amazed. He shrug his shoulders.

"Jimin." I whispered.

"Hm?" He responded paying more attention to the movie and stuffing his mouth.

"We're out of popcorn."

"What do you mean you're out of popcorn?" He said actually looking at me.

"I mean there's nothing in this bag, it all disappeared." I wiggled the bag.

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