Chapter 6: Bad to Worse

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As the ship's doors closed you watched as Butterz laid on the chair to sleep, Robert was listening to music, and Sabian was messing with his whip. You began to slowly close your eyes.

Mom and Dad would tell me be safe or I shouldn't be doing this, I hope they are okay.... I need to write to them soon.

You sat in silence for a couple seconds, when you opened your eyes it was dark inside the ship, with a couple lights on," I thought we left at dawn, did I sleep?" Looking around Butterz was still sleeping. Sabian and Robert were both asleep. With a heavy sigh you got up and went to the cockpit. The pilot didn't even look at you," For the last time kid beat it!"

"What?" You asked surprised.

"S-Sorry, that younger one was annoying me earlier. What's up?" The pilot seemed more calm.

"Do you know where I can find food on here? And Butterz can get annoying I guess.."

"To your right, you will see a metal box. In there is food.... Try chilling out the younger one too. He is a handful I bet."

"Ya, Thanks!" You walked to the metal box and opened the top. Inside was a soda, water, juice, and milk. With Sandwiches, chips, and other snack like food. You grabbed a water and a small handful of chips. As you walked back to your seat you noticed someone had gotten up because, stuff was moved around. But everyone was the same. You shrugged it off and sat in your seat.

Let this mission begin

2 Hours later...

"Get up everyone we are at the landing zone!" The pilot yelled. It was early morning, it was a little light out, everyone grabbed there bags and stuff from the metal box.

"I won't be back till tomorrow, if something happens your team leader has a recon button to send another team to help you guys. Good luck and don't die!" The pilot flew away. You and the team were in a big empty forest. Trees surrounded you, but they were a good 20 feet away. Looking around you saw mountains and what looked like a big tree across from the mountain.

"Alright team I say we set base somewhere and then hunt some grim!" Sabian had his hand out. We all put our hands in," GO TEAM!!" Sabian yelled.

As you followed Sabian round Butterz was being taken away by the nature. Butterz stopped,"H-Hey guys... What's that?" He pointed at a building that was run down. With metal was turned brown.

"ADVENTURE!!" Butterz ran to it.

"Oh god damn it." Sabian and Robert followed quickly be hide. You shrugged and walked there. As you examined the building you saw that solar panels were on the roof.

Is this place still running?

You walked in and saw big test tubes, all broken open. Two rounds on each side, with tables around each one. There were terminals. Butterz and the others were on a second one.

"Test subject 501, Human Flame. Can withstand heats as the sun but one ounce of water can just said flames out."

"Awesome!" Butterz yelled out. Robert grabbed his head.

"You okay Robert?" You asked he seemed uneasy.

"Ya I'm fine just this place seems familiar... And the voice..." Butterz slammed his hand on the next Terminal.

"Test Subject 502, The Unkillable and military trained weapon, Robert Titus. Hehehehe, we injected this one with grim jeans. He responded violently, that's how he became parent-Less. We've had to have his memory wiped dozens of times. All he knows is that he is Robert Titis, and he is a fanus. Weaknesses is that-" Robert smashed the Terminal.

"LIES!!" Butterz went up to Robert," dude That's cool! You are part weapon!" Robert looked at him and hit Butterz sending him flying back.


"Forget about it, that's in the past, we can't change it." Sabian put his hand on Roberts shoulder, pushed it off.

"I KILLED MY PARENTS!!" He was almost at tears.

"It's fine dude." Butterz slowly got back up.

"NO IT'S NOT MY PARENTS COULD HAVE ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT ME . UNLIKE YOURS WHO LEFT YOU TO DIE!!" Robert covered his mouth, realizing what he said. Silence filled the air, Butterz was turned toward away from Robert. You were in between them. Sabian was on the over side of Robert. You and Sabian looked at Robert with jaws wide open. No one talked till Robert spoke up," Butterz I'm ..." Butterz ran outside using his semblance.

"SHIT, (Y/n) go after him!" Sabian pointed at Butterz. You nodded and went outside to look for him.

Shit he used his semblance...

You walked back inside," He's gone, he used his semblance.." Sabian sighed," well best we set base here, I will put out the recon call." Sabian pulled out a small flat box with a button on top of it. He stopped for a moment," We should wait he might come back..."

"He might or he might I back into living in the forest again." Robert scratched the back of his head.

"Still he's our teammate! We have to find him." You yelled, they both looked at you.

"(Y/n)s right, we need to get Butterz. Let's go look for him..." Sabian began to walk out you followed but Robert was still in front of the broken Terminal.

"You coming?" You asked, snapping Robert out of the his daydream.

"What? Oh y-ya." He slowly came walking out but looked back a couple times before he left the building.

As everyone searched the forest for Butterz, no grim seemed to be in the area.

"It is just me or is it grim free here?" You asked putting your hands in your back pockets.

"Not quite..." Sabian pointed at a grim, two Beowolfs sliced into four.

"Jesus, was this Butterz?" You asked the others.

"We don't know, we've never known to much about each other.." Robert replied in a sad tone," look guys I'm sorry for snapping."

"Chill Robert it's fine." Sabian patted his back, We just need to work on finding Butterz now." Suddenly a rumbling noise started to happen.

"What the hell!?" Robert yelled.

(A/n: Cliffhanger King)

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