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The night is where my brain terrifies me the most. The action of picking my phone up from the floor for the hundredth time conjures up the thought of a hand shooting from under my bed to pull me under.

A monster waiting for me to leave my closet cracked the slightest bit so it can wrap its cruel fingers around its edge and attack. Several more lurking in the corners and shadows, even when there is none.

The dreaded one in the mirror that, in reality, is just reflected objects in my room. My china dolls, waiting patiently for me to just close my eyes for the slightest second. Something is always coming down the long hallway.

Though it may seem childish, as long as my door is closed, nothing malicious outside can enter... That doesn't stop the bunch inside from attacking though, that would be the light.

Night ♥Complete♥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat