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About A Boy

It started with his personality...

Charming, sweet, anything a girl could ask for in the guise of a new friend.

Then countless nights of conversation about everything under the sun, or should I say moon.

Conversations turned to borderline infatuation when their eyes meet, dark brown to a milky hazel.

If she didn't know what love was then, I'm sure she knows what it feels like now.

Everything about him was something to obsess over, why would someone like him like someone like her; a thought that always crossed her mind.

He wasn't any better, everything about her was perfect in his eyes, and he couldn't understand why she was single.

She knew all too well though, it was because she wasn't normal, but neither was he as she would later find out after I love you's were exchanged.

Not in the way she would have ever guessed though, more so in a way that had her crying herself to sleep at night and throughout most of the day repeating one phrase.

He's still the same person.

And he was, things would just have to be dealt with a little...differently.

Heart and brain at war and heart winning out in the end.

They couldn't be happier together, and it all began with a new friend.

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