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Sometimes I feel like I push myself too hard. Like I set too many deadlines/goals and accomplishing them all is near impossible.

I always feel this pressure, I have to do this because that...and that feeling is nonstop. You would never know it though because I'm secretive with my emotions, but once in a blue moon, I can't hold it in, and everything just comes out.

The stress gets to me, and I have a panic attack because realistically speaking, I just can't do everything that I convince myself I need to do; and I can't accept the fact that doing said things are not always possible.

In my mind, what I'm doing is never enough, I always need to do more, or I'm getting lazy, or yeah, you accomplished these few tasks but look at what is left to do, you can't take a break yet until this is finished. Granted, these aren't things that I have to do, but some part of me won't listen to that fact, no matter how many people tell me that it's okay to 'fail.'

Maybe it's that word, or perhaps it's because of all the people in my life that expect great things from me, but sometimes, I just get stressed out.

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