Chapter 1: The First Impression

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Thump! Yumi woke up to the sound of his head banging against the glass of the bus. He rubs in his eyes and looks outside to a nice Sunday afternoon sky. "I'm already in Iwatobi, how long have I slept?" He checks his phone and sees he has slept for over half an hour. "Wow, I'm glad I woke up, or else I might've missed my stop. Although my head does hurt" He thought to himself as he touched the part of his head he hit against the glass.
After another 10 minutes he finally reached his destination. He steps out, and walks towards his new home. A pretty large 2 floor house with 3 bedrooms, a large bathroom, an even larger living room and a beautiful and calm garden. Normally, a guy of his age doesn't have the money for things like this, but his aunt is very rich and financially supports him with more than enough money.
He grabs the keys and opens the door. After taking a big sniff of his new environment he says "Ahh, the smell of freedom. Finally independent." He throws his bag in the hallway and sits down next to it. "Glad I didn't have to arrange the house." He says, looking at the standard yet nice furniture all set up in the home.
Yumi stands up and looks at the clock hanging just above the door leading to his bedroom. "5 pm already? Better start unpacking! I need to get my things ready for school tomorrow!" He says with a smile, and he sets up all his personal belongings.

~Mondays 8 am, Iwatobi High School~
"Makoto, can you come here for a second" a middle aged teacher asks walking towards the young green eyed teen standing in the hallway with his friends. Makoto walks towards her and asks: "Yes Miss Hayachi?" "A new student transferred here today and is arriving soon. He will be going to your class and it's his first day, so would you be so kind to show him around and help him find his place here?" Miss Hayachi asked with a strict look on her face. "Y-yes Miss Hayachi, I'll go outside right now to wait for him." He says with a nervous smile. He nods at Haruka and points towards the school entrance, to indicate he will be right back. Haru nodded back in approval.
Makoto walks outside exactly when a slightly tanned and brown haired boy walked towards the entrance. He was wearing black sneakers, brown jeans, a grey T-shirt with a black, short sleeved denim jacket, a brown beanie and had a lost look in his eyes. Makoto stared at him and noticed he was pretty muscular. "He might be an athlete.." He thought to himself. "A very cute one too... Wait what?" He shook off his thoughts and decided to approach him.
After an awkward stumble towards him the boy eventually made eye contact with Makoto. "Wow his eyes, they're green and greyish, it's so beautiful! Wait... I'm staring at him! Does he notice!? Oh no he's staring back! I shouldn't be staring at a guy! What do I do, what do I do, what do I d-" Makoto's thoughts were interrupted by the boy walking towards him. Makoto tried to act as casual as possible, hiding the slight blushing in his face. "H-hey there, My name is Makoto Tachibana, but you can call me Mako. Miss Hayachi sent me to help you get around the school, as we will be classmates!" Makoto said, ending it with his signature smile. "Hey, my name is Yumiko Daigoku, I just moved here yesterday, so I'm glad to have someone to help me around, as I'm not always the smartest when it comes to directions... or walking in general." Yumi said, scratching the back of his head and chuckling awkwardly. "Oh why do I think that he's so cute..?" Mako thought to himself, already feeling his cheeks redden. "Hey... Makoto???" Yumi asked, waving at him to get his attention. Mako looked back at Yumi with a confused look. "Hey he's back" Yumi said smiling. "You were kind of absent minded for a moment" he said with a laugh. "Oh I'm so sorry" Mako responded with a smile. "Now I see we still have some time before class starts, why don't you come with me so I can introduce you to some of our classmates and best friends?" "Alright, awesome!" Yumi answered.
Both boys walked into the school towards Mako's friends. "Hey guys, let me introduce you to a new student here, this is his first day, so be nice." Mako said patting Yumi on his back, while staring at Haruka in a judgmental way. "So, Hi everyone, my name is Yumiko Daigoku, nice to meet you all!" Yumi nervously said. "Hi! My name is Rei Ryugazaki" Rei said, touching his glasses and looking up with a sweet smile. "He seems like a cool guy." Yumi thought to himself. "Hey, I'm Haru Nanase. Do you like Mackerel?" Haru asked out of the blue. "Wait, do I like wha-" "And my name is Nagisa Hazuki! Nice to meet you!" Nagisa screamed, grabbing Yumi's hand and shaking it way too excessively. "Oh we're so sorry for this tiny ball of hyperness!" Rei said, grabbing Nagisa by his collar, pulling him beside him. "Hey what's that for? I was just introducing myself!" Nagisa snarled. "Well you don't have to break his hand or overload his brain so early on the day!" Rei snarled back. Yumi looked at them surprised. "They seem to have 'cute' fights 24/7,l... They totally aren't secretly in love." Yumi sarcastically thought to himself, after which he let out a sigh.
Mako puts his hand around Yumi, startling him and says "Don't worry, this is how they always act. Sometimes it can give a real headache though..."
This comment made both Yumi and Mako laugh, but they were interrupted by Haru walking up towards Yumi as he looked him straight in the eyes, giving Yumi the slight creeps. "As I wanted to ask before, do you like mackerel?" Haru asked with a low pitched, emotionless voice. "Well actually, I love mackerel!" Yumi responded. Haru's eyes widen and he grabs Yumi's shoulder. "Well tell me! How do you cook it?" Haru asked with slight enthusiasm. "This guy surely loves his mackerel." Yumi thought to himself, smiling at the fact of how dorky this group of friends is. "I normally fry it slightly and then put some seasonings on top to give it some more spice." Yumi said. "You should show it to me tonight." Haru responded. The bell rung and both continued their conversation walking towards the classroom. Meanwhile Nagisa and Rei are still snarling at eachother. Makoto looks at Haru and Yumi walking away. "Why... Do I feel.... Jealous....? I-I'm not gay... I'm probably just scared I'll lose Haru as my best friend. But Yumi is a nice guy so it's all fine" Mako reassured to himself in his thoughts, smiling at the sight of the two walking and talking together. He turned around to a Rei and Nagisa still snarling at eachother, but this time about whether ladybugs are poisonous or not. "How did that subject come up..." He thought to himself with an imaginary facepalm. He decided to just let them be and walked back to Haru and Yumi followed by Nagisa screaming. "Hey! Wait for us!"
Yumi and Haru go sit next to eachother, with Mako behind them. And Rei and Nagisa sitting behind Mako. Mako listened to the conversation of Yumi and Haru. "So you've done some sports?" Haru asked. "Yeah I used to be on a swimming team before I moved here." Yumi answered. Mako shook up from his chair and interrupted the conversation. "In that case, you should join our swim club!"

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