Chapter 2: The New Member!

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"So this is our swimming pool!" Nagisa said grabbing Yumi's wrist, dragging him along towards it. Yumi sighs. "Well Rei wasn't wrong when he said you're a little ball of hyperness." Yumi said with a broad smile. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Nagisa snarled. But before Yumi could respond, he was distracted by somebody swimming in the pool. "Wow! He is amazing! Who is that?" Yumi asked. "That is Rin Matsuoka, he used to swim relays with us, but now just swims with us in our club from time to time." Haru responded as he and Mako went on to stand at the edge of the pool. After a short lap, Rin got out of the pool and walked up to the rest. "I see Haru and the rest have found another victim?" Rin said with a chuckle as Yumi seemingly started getting awkward and nervous. "Ehh, w-well hi, my name is Yumiko, I saw you swim and you are amazing!" Yumi said. "Thank you, so how is your swimming?" Rin asked out of the blue with a smirk. "M-my Wh-" Yumi started to stutter but was cut off by Rin and Nagisa. "It seems that they really like him!" Mako said with a smile. "Definitely." Haru responded. "You seem to like him alot too, don't you?" Mako said, looking at Haru. "Well he likes Mackerel and swimming." Haru said staring at Yumi getting dragged to the start board by Rin and Nagisa. This sight being so hilarious, it got a smile on both Mako and Haru's face.

"Well show your swimming skills!" Nagisa yelled. Just before Yumi wanted to dive, Rin grabbed him by his arm. He started to point down with his head, trying to indicate something. Only after an awkward 20 seconds Yumi found out he is still wearing his school uniform. Yumi laughed awkwardly and asked: "Could I maybe borrow a pair of you guys'?" "I have a few in my bag here, you can make your pick." Haru said, grabbing his bag and laying it open on one of the benched. Yumi opened the bag. He stuttered, grabbing two of his swimming trunks. "They are all the same?" Yumi asked him. "No, some fit me better." Haru responded. "I'm just surprised he hasn't taken off his clothes yet. Thinking back to the story about Haru trying to jump in a fishtank Mako told me about, you'd presume he'd be in the water already." Yumi thought to himself. After delegating which one of this identical pair to grab, he just grabbed one and without shame changed into it out in the open. Mako caught himself staring at Yumi. "Why do I keep staring? I am not gay" Mako thought as he clenched his fists together. Confused by his own train of thought. "Hey, is everything alright?" Haru asked, looking at Mako. "It's nothing, don't worry!" He says with a smile. With everyone he cares about present here, he definitely didn't want to tell about his confusion.

Yumi stood on the start board. "So what stroke should I swim?" He asks. "Try the butterfly." Rin said with a smirk. Knowing this is the hardest stroke to swim. Yumi got himself ready and jumped into the water with a perfect dive. "Wow, his technique is perfect" Nagisa said enthusiastically. "Indeed. It's beautiful." Haru said. "Wow Haru, it's been a while since you've been so excited about someone swimming." Rin said with a smile. As Yumi continued a perfect Butterfly back towards the rest, Gou and Rei came in. "Hey guys, sorry we're late bu-" Gou was interrupted by Yumi coming out of the pool. Showcasing perfectly toned abs. Gou started to hyperventilate and stutter: "T-those abs... Perfectly formed. And those pecs seem to have so much strength in them. And then those arms!!" She started to mumble to herself, unaware of everyone staring at her. Yumi and Rei exchanged looks and Rei eventually broke the silence by saying; "She's always like that, especially to someone with a body like yours." "Oh, h- I... Ehh... My name is Gou, nice to meet you!" Gou said, bowing out of shame. "Nice to meet you too, my name is Yumiko!" Yumi said with slightly blushed cheeks. "Hey guys... I just realised, Yumiko is also a girls name, how ironic for him to join us too!" Nagisa said. "Wait up! He hasn't said he wanted to join us yet." Mako responded. "So, will you?" Gou said, still wowing at his body. Yumi looked up, laughed and said: "Ofcourse!"

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