Chapter 3: Australia?!

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After another hour of practicing and having fun, they decided to stop since it was already 5 pm. As everyone was getting dressed and packing their stuff, Yumi asked Haru: "Why don't we invite Mako and the rest for dinner too?" "Alright, why not? Hey everyone, would you like to join us for dinner at my place? My parents are still away and I've already made sure to have enough food in the house." Haru asked in the dressing room. "I'd love to!" Mako said with a smile. "Seems fun." Rin responded. "Let me guess, mackerel for dinner?" Rei said jokingly. Haru and Yumi both nodded with a smile.
Everyone walked outside. "Hey, let's run to Haru's house." Nagisa said. "Last person there is the new Rei of the group!" he continued and started running. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Rei yelled running after him. Yumi and Mako exchanged looks and started laughing, afterwards they noticed Haru, Rin and Gou started running too. "Wait for us!" Mako and Yumi yelled in unison as they started running too.

*at Haru's place*
"Yes I made it first!!" Yumi yelled, already at the house. Afterwards followed: Rei, Rin, Mako, Haru, Nagisa and a lot further away Gou came slumping towards the rest, completely out of breath. "Why. Did. I. Agree. To. This." Gou said, painting between every word. The rest just laughed. Gou getting slightly frustrated but greeted by Nagisa jumping at her.
Haru opened the door and everyone went inside. Yumi and Haru went straight to the kitchen and grabbed loads of mackerel to cook as the rest went to Haru's living room to talk and hang out.
"I think it's time you show me how you bake mackerel." Haru said. "Alrighty!" Yumi responded. He put on the apron and after just a few minutes the mackerel is cooked. He grabs one of the mackerels, tears off a piece and silently shoves it in Haru's mouth. Startling him. Haru starts chewing with his facial expressions stating he really likes it. "Well it seems that you like my cooking?" Yumi said with a bright smile. But all Haru got out was a nod. After a while Haru told Yumi to go sit with the rest so he can get to know them better while he finishes dinner.
Yumi walked into the living room, only to see everyone laughing and looking at a bright red Nagisa. Confused by this sight, he asks what happened. Mako in between his laughter wanted to respond, but was cut off by Nagisa covering his mouth screaming "No! Shut up Mako-Chan!". They continued laughing for a few seconds.
"He farted!" Gou yelled out in laughter quick enough before Nagisa could jump at her. Yumi started laughing extremely loud as Nagisa became even more red.
Eventually Yumi said down with them and everyone turned interest in his personal life. "So you just came to live here right?" Nagisa asked. "Yes, this is actually just my second day in Iwatobi." Yumi said with a nervous smile. "Well did you come here with your parents?" Gou asked. But this hit a sensitive snare to Yumi and his smile was quickly replaced with a serious look. Worrying to the rest. Rin and Rei exchanged looks. "This guy has more to him than I thought he'd have." Rei thought to himself, looking up from his glasses. "Well ehh... I-... Don't have my parents anymore." Yumi said. "Oh no... What happened?" Nagisa flopped out. "Nagisa don't." Mako interrupted. "No, it's okay Mako-chan." Yumi said with a weak smile. "Mako-Chan?" He thought to himself as he grew red, but tried to hold it in as this wasn't the right moment to go all blushy-blushy. "Before this, I used to live with my dad. But due to having a very small income and some other reasons, he became an alcoholic. Sadly when he drinks, he turns aggressive... On me.." Yumi said, tears building up in his eyes. Mako walked up to him and comforted him. "B-but did you move here with your father?" Rin asked looking very worried. Rin usually isn't the guy to be worried about people, so this is very special. "No, I live alone now." Yumi responded while sobbing. "Wow, that must be incredibly hard for you.." Rei said with a sad undertone. "It's very scary... Mainly because I don't have anyone. It's just very lonesome I guess." He softly said. Mako now started to hug Yumi and said "Don't worry, you have us now." Everyone awed at this and walked up to them to get a big group hug. Unknown of the fact that Haru had been listening to the conversation. He eventually walked in. "Hey, is everyone ready for dinner?" He asked. "Yes!" Yumi said, wiping away a tear while still holding the big smile Mako gave him.
They all stood up and got a plate with each a piece of fried mackerel, some rice and fried vegetables. They sat at the table and started eating. "Wow! This mackerel is amazing! Did you make this Haru?" Rei asked. "No, Yumi did." He responded. "Wow good job!" Said Gou, who sat next to Yumi, patting his head.  "Thank you." Yumi said with a smile. After about 15 minutes of eating and talking, they all finished their plates. Gou looked at the time "11 pm". She looks at Rin and he nods. "Rin and I have something to tell you guys." She said.
Everyone looks at them questioning. "We... Are leaving to Australia." Gou finished. Everyone looks shocked and sad. "Why? And for how long?!" Haru said clenching his fists against the table. "Don't worry you guys. I was lucky to be selected by a special school in Sydney, so I'm going there for three years. It can really help me to gain some experience in competitive swimming, and Gou comes along for mental support." Rin said. "I can't leave my big brother all alone in Australia can I?" Gou said with a smile. "But after three years, we will  come back to you guys." She finished. "Three years... Without them..." Nagisa thought to himself. Suddenly the mood around the table changed, even for Yumi. "Let's not get too sad over this. Yes, they'll be gone for three whole years, but the good thing is that they'll be back, so let's just stay optimistic and take these three years to prepare the best welcome back ever!" Mako said with a smile, breaking the long silence. And by that comment the mood changed back to how uplifting it was in an instant. "You're right. I can't wait to welcome them back already!" Nagisa said cheerfully. Making everyone smile. "So when are you guys leaving?" Yumi asked. "We'll leave in about two months, the 12th of December." Rin said. "Then let's make the best out of these last two months together!" Haru said with a smile that surprised everyone.

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