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"Hello?" Lily asked, picking up the phone.

"I've got huge news!" Josh exclaimed.

"What!" Lily asked, excitedly.

"Okay, I'm about to go to Riley's house, and in my hands, is a letter from NYU." Josh said.

"Did you get in?!" Lily asked. If he got in, that meant he got to move to New York. And Lily was in New York.

"I didn't open it yet, but I'm at the apartment now." He said to Lily, before opening the apartment door to reveal the Matthews family and Maya. "Hey, family."

"Hi Matthews and Maya!" Lily said.

"Yeah, hi. I don't care." Maya said, twirling her hair.

"My brother!" Josh exclaimed, hugging Cory.

"My brother!" Cory exclaimed, hugging him back.

"Please don't drop me!" Lily exclaimed.

"So, Riley," Maya said. "shouldn't we be like heading to school now, since there's nothing here for me of any interest?"

"Sure. Let's go." Riley said, standing up and leaving with Maya.

"Think she'll make it out the door?" Auggie asked.

"I give her 10 seconds before she jumps on his head." Lily said.

"I came up here because I wanted to do this in front of all of you." Josh said. "I hold in my hand an envelope from New York University."

Maya stopped walking.

"Ohh." Riley said. "Are we stopping?"

"I'm not stopping." Maya denied. "I'm resting."

"What's in this envelope tells me where I'm gonna be for the next four years." Josh said.

Maya stopped walking again.

"Ohh. Are we stopping?" Riley asked.

"I'm not as young as I used to be." Maya said.

"Good luck, Josh." Riley said.

"Yeah, hi. I don't care." Maya said again.

"Watch this." Josh whispered to Lily. "Is it just me or is there a new maturity in Maya that I haven't seen before?"

"Stop playing with her." Lily scolded.

"I find it intriguing." Josh said, ignoring Lily.

Maya ran back in the room and jumped on Josh's back. "Where will you be?" Maya yelled.

"Karma!" Lily singsonged.

"Hold on to your dignity, woman!" Riley exclaimed.

"Too late for that." Auggie retorted.

"Get off me, you little ferret!" Josh exclaimed.

"Give it!" Maya yelled.

"It's my life!" Josh yelled.

"It affects me, too!" Maya yelled. She ripped the letter out of the envelope. "'Dear Applicant Boing.'"

"It doesn't say that." Josh said.

"'This year we are only accepting married applicants.'" Maya kept reading.

"It doesn't say that!" Josh said.

"'So... we regret to inform you that...'"

"Regret to inform me?" Josh asked concerned.

"We regret to inform you that you will be spending the next four years in New York with Maya!" Maya yelled.

"I got in?" Josh asked. "I got in!"

"We got in." Maya said. "Congratulations."

"Congrats Josh!" Lily exclaimed.

"That's so great." Josh said.

"I don't know what this means." Auggie said.

"Congratulations, Buddy. I'm so proud of you." Cory said.

"It means a lot, Cory." Josh said.

"All very exciting, I'm sure." Maya said. "But Riley and I have our own educations to which to attend... to which." She took Riley by the hand.

"This is so great. And my buddy who goes there invited me to his dorm tonight to meet some college friends if I got in." Josh said.

"Ohh. Are we stopping?" Riley asked.

"Nope. We're doing something else now." Maya said. She turned to Josh. "When is this little party? Yeah, whatever, hi, I don't care."

"Uh, 10:00 Tonight?" Josh said.

"Where's this little party?" Maya asked. "Yeah, whatever, hi, I don't care."

"Greenwich Hall." Josh said.

Lily facepalmed. Josh was a dummy sometimes.

Maya smiled evilly.

"Are we smiling?" Riley asked. "I'll smile. I'll smile anytime. What are we smiling about?"

"Bay window. Bay window right now." Maya said.

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