well there's an MCSM tag so

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Dawson tagged me to do this thing

I did it before s2 came out, I just forgot to post it lol

1. Who was your favorite character?

Jesse, Petra, and Lukas. I seriously just love them to death aaaahhh

2. What was your favorite episode and why?

Idk dude y u do this to me ;-;

Maaaaaaybe episode eight. Because...reasons.

3. Favorite DLC episode?

Oh lol I kinda just answered that whoops

4. Your favorite and least favorite villain?

Fave: am I allowed to say Ivor?

Least fave: PAMA

5. What was your favorite extra dimension?



6. What's your main ship?

Excuse you, LUKTRA.

7. How excited are you for season two?

sometimes I randomly shriek "SEASON TWO AAAAIIIIEEEE" because I'm so hyped and I like freaking out my family

I do that about once a day. Just because I'm HYPED OUT OF MY MIND AAAAHHHH

8. What's one moment that you think will happen?

Hhhhmmmmm. Continuing jokes about Jesse being short.

"You think you're cool because of how tall you are, huh? Proud of how tall you are?" in the sneak peek omg that was beautiful lol

9. How many times have you screamed since you learned this was coming out?

Like I've been internally screaming nonstop so idk why you would expect any different from me

10. Did you pre-order the game?


11. Do you like the new graphics?


12. Biggest concern?

That Soren's books will nEVER BE FREAKING EXPLAINED

13. What are you most excited about?

You mean besides EVERYTHING?!

14.Which new character looks the most interesting?

Possibly Radar or Jack or Nurm

15. Do you think there will be any *insert your ship here* moments in s2?

I frikkin hope so holy crap

16. How are you preparing yourself for season two?

• Pillows

• recently replayed season one

• watched the trailer a million times

• on good terms with sis Alyssa (for once) so we can play it together

• pestering my family about it constantly even though they don't care

• pillows

17. Are you excited for the YouTubers coming back?


18. Do you think the llama will replace Reuben?

holy fuck I sure hope not that would be awful NO

19. What's one ship moment you want to happen?

I don't really care tbh I just want my Luktra

Jetra would be OK too but I'd prefer Luktra AAH

20. Are you ready for the eleventh?

*hiding in pillow fort with tablet* READY AS I'LL EVER BE!

i tag anyone who hasn't yet played s2


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