rush tagged me to do this like a month ago

29 6 1

well it's literally the title

1. do you like pie

Hell yes! Is there anyone who doesn't?

2. are pancakes pans or cakes

They are actually a type of dolphin, like tomatoes.

3. is a carpet a car or a pet

Neither. It is an entirely different species

4. if you had to kill someone, would you use a radioactive baseball bat or a possessed piece of licorice

Radioactive baseball bats are a thing? GIMME

(wait a minute, is that a Mage reference? Edsel's weapon is a magic green bat...)

5. what would you rather being doing right now instead of this tag

Reading AWU or playing MCSM s2

6. are you in any fandoms that seem to have a very small fanbase (if so, I feel ya)

Eh, kinda. Yeah, I guess there's a few things I like that no one seems to know about.

7. if you had the opportunity to kill ANY fictional character, who would it be?

Hadrian or Mevia probably




8. can it just be july eleventh please

I know riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight


(like I said...this was a month ago)

9. would you rather be a llama or a goat and why

I wat to be a goat because I could eat everything and no one would question it

10. why would anyone want to fight 10 chicken-sized zombies. They're essentially baby zombies and those are nasty

IKR! Like that's just ridiculous!

I tag:



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