i'm sorry;

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Tuesday, October 4th.

"My nan is in the hospital..." I spoke softly. His eyebrows furrowed.

"Is she doing okay?" Farkles blue eyes stared into mine as we sat on my bay window. I almost forgot to respond because I got lost in his eyes.

"I think so, the doctors said I shouldn't be worried." I said and he bit his lip and tilted his head. One of the things that hurt most was that my boyfriend just wants to get wasted all the time... He doesn't care about me. "It's just that I have a jerk boyfriend who wants to get wasted all the time."

"Did he actually tell you he's getting drunk tonight?" Farkle scoffed and I didn't want to respond knowing it would screw up Jakes big reputation. Just kidding I don't care.

"He invited me to go get drinks, I'm not kidding." I laughed and Farkle did too.

"You obviously aren't very happy with him are you?" Farkle eyes shifted between my eyes and my obvious blue bra. He quickly looked back at me and his cheeks heated up.

"I'm not happy with him at all." I said and sighed because I was so hot. The heater is on and it was too strong. "Are you hot?"

"No not really." Farkle said and then realized I was. "Just take your sweater off."

Without even thinking about it I took my sweater off. His gaze switched to my arms which had grab bruises on them. I then knew I messed up.


When Riley told me she couldn't go out tonight I was ecstatic. I really couldn't stand her.

"Are you even listening to me!" Sam snapped after taking a big gulp of her beer. "It's because of Riley huh? I thought you were sticking to the plan."

The plan Sam made up was to date Riley for a week then break up with her and crush her heart. I agreed to it because I'll do anything Sam asks. Even if I'm faking to be in love with Riley it's still bad that all she talks about it Farkle. "Yeah I am."

"Well good." Sam smiled before pulling me into a lengthy kiss. "How much of that have you been doing with the whorphan?" She mixed the words orphan and whore together.

"Close to nothing." I chuckled and Sam grinned happily.

"Let's get out of here." Sam smirked and pulled my arm out the door. We went to her apartment and I already knew both our intentions. She pushed me on the bed and began what we both wanted.


"What are those?" Farkle said right as I began to put my sweater back on.

"Nothing- it's nothing." I stood up and walked over to my bed. He quickly stood up and followed me. He slowly began to take my sweater off. I just exhaled and went with it.

"Nothing? Riley did he do that to you?" Farkle said grazing his finger tips over the black and blue spots. I winced and didn't reply giving my answer away. "Why are you still with him?"

"I can't break up with him Farkle!" I almost shouted. I wasn't strong enough to end things with Jake.

"You're kidding me right?" Farkle said obviously not okay with this. I shook my head, tears building up in my eyes. "Then I will for you."

"FARKLE STOP!" I shouted and he let his hands fall to his sides in anger. I bit my lip and he finally broke.

"Fine I'll just leave then." Farkle said before walking to the window and climbing out. I felt myself feel guilty for yelling at him. "I'm sorry you have to date an abusive asshole." I heard him say before fully leaving.

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