How They Got In-MorganWant

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Morgan Want. No, that is her name. He really thougth she would come up with somethign more creative. She is creative. She mad costumes and was really good with make-up. You get why he was impressed by her when he first saw. He has knowlegd about everyone on the planet and this was the first time he had seen some one like her. It was a honor for him to call her one of his player. You bet she is going to get special threatment. He needed her patiens and her creativity. She would do the same tasks as Nate.

Morgan sat accros from Nate when he just finnished the new number. She stayed a little while in the studio, so Nate wouldn't be crumpy when she ignored him again. There relationship wasn't that good anymore, but that was only, because Brett still lived there. It was time for his own place. Morgan walked carefully in to the livingroom and saw that Nate was sitting with his head in his hands. This was very strange, because normally he would be watching Anime. Morgan sat down next him and just looked at hem. He was problably just scared of somthing. Morgan looked to the television, but it was turned of. also she looked around her,but nobody came. Nate began to sniffle. He problably had no idea that Morgan was sitting next to him. She laid an arm around him. nothing more. The rest just came out of itself. Nate broke down before her eyes. She never had seen him so sad. He didn't even do his best to stop the tears. "They have Brett. They abused him and locked him up. It is unfair. I was supposed to sit there. Not him. It is the fault ot the game I just played. I should never ever had to do that. I prakticly killed him." He cried loudly. Morgan tried to comfort him. It had bein a long day and she needed to rest. Morgan wanted to get a blacnket for the cold Nate, but he stopped her. He needed her right now. He wanted her to stay there for all internity and take away all the fear. It may sound so strange, but know that Nate is terrefied to death. Morgan just stayed and hold Nate like a mother would do with her child. They stayed like this for a long time. Morgan felt that Nate was getting calmer and thougt it was time him to let him go. Only he didn't want to move. He had fallen asleep. He had those dimples in his cheeks and a little blush. It was cute. Carefully she laid him down on the couch and stood up. She was hungry. A pizza would have to do. She took her phone called. A very nervous voice anwserd. "Hello, How can I help you?" Morgan orderd a large pizza and try to do this fast. "Miss, I want you to listen. You have no choice. I have no choice." The voice had disappared and Morgan only heard a loud bang. "Hello Morgan, Do you remember me? problably not. I know you better than you do me. It is your geluksdag. I have chose you to play my game jou. You have big change to win the headprice and we both know that you want that." A low voice said. Morgan wanted to end the call, but something in her body just resisted. HSe had no idea what to do. She could just do it and get it over with. "Morgan, what do you say? Do you want to play a game? Yes or No." His voice sounded so soft and sweet. Believe or not,  Morgan really wanted to declain, but her voice was lost. Her confidence had slowy increased itself. If it would get any worse, Nate stood before  her with her mobile in his hands. "What are you doing ,for godsake? He could just kill you and take everything away. He would just do it. Without mercy." Nate screamed. He was very mad and Morgan didn't know why. "He also aproched me. He send me  a game. The game I told about on he couch. It looked a bit to much like my real life. But with every move I did, people disapaired. It was so scary. They even had you. The worst part was...Was...That...I-I-I...Was the one who had to kill everyone. I had that controller in my hands. I continued playing. I am so sorry. I don't know if you kan trust me." Nate said half crying. Morgan took her phone and looked if she was still on hold. And she was. "And? Are you angry? dissapointed? I have heared everything. So sad that you don't believe him. You should have done that, Morgan. You have no idea what I can do with people. You should be so scared. You should fear me. Hahahaha, Yes, You are definnitly a special girl. Nate has warned you, But I believe worked. So I have a suprise for you." The deep voice said. He hung up and Morgan got a message. It was a short clip. there was an empty room without some one in it. Morgan couldn't see who it  was, but later she saw her best friend sit there. She also saw Brett. Morgan found very ridiculous. She still didn't believe that it was that bad. She also didn't want to play this stupid game. So was she the first to declaine to play the game and she shuldn't have done that. We all know what will happen if you don't play allong. You get a higher chance to die and not make it till the end of the game. Morgan looked at Nate after she laid her phone down. Nate was sort of disgusted. How could his own girlfriend put her life so much in danger and also the lives of her friends. Nobody wanted to know what will happen next to this couple. 

You Saw Nothing- A Youtuber AU/SAW-fanfiction (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin