Chapter 6 - Room 4 - Morgan And Nate

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The Second Task

Matt laid down deadly quiet on his stomach  in a smal space behind the room  where later Morgan and Nate would apair. He only had to lay down very quietly and stay that way for therest of the hour. It was miracle on it's own that he could see Nate before he left. Matt thougth for a moment back to the first moment the two had seen eithother. It rained that day and Nate was to late for their appointment. Matt had done as if it was nothing, but Nate insisted to make it up to him. After that he was never late again. Always to early. After...She had dissapaired...Has Matt never met someone again that he had connection with and Nate came on the right moment. Matt didn't dare to say it outloud, because he had...promised Her to stay loyal, but his hart belonged to someone else whom he knew the feelings never could be anwserd.

Nate carried Morgan into the room bridalstyle. He had everything figured out and wanted to kill some time with his girlfriend. He felt like a king that got a present after a war he had. Weird comparison, indead. Matt had told him how it worked around here and he had never listened to it. He knew very well that Matt was right. After all he had done this once. He even had the faith in his own hands. All those lives...All that blood...Nate had become a monster and there had bein there to stop him. Not even Matt. Why would you even do that, when you almost became a victim yourself? Nate looked Morgan straigth into her eyes and grinned widely. He pushed her against the wall and leaned over her. Her eyes glowed in the bad light. She was beautifull and somewhere Nate thougt that he hadn't deserved her. He pressed his lips on  hers and it took a while before she reacted. It was a sloppy kiss. Nate had one hand under her head and his other hand on her hip. Softly he pressed himself against her. The kiss didn't became better, because Morgan didn't seem to enjoy it. Nate ended the kiss disapointed and looked for a second to his shoes. "Nate, If you are angry...I can make everything up...He hates me. Not you." Morgan said. He looked at her again. "I know. That is why we are here." He leaned in and wispered  "Matt has told me that.". Morgan didn't look to happy with that. Nate turned around and saw that the room looked like his studio. Morgan stood next to him. She looked jelous. Nate took her hand and looked at her proud. "We are going to do this together." he said.

Do you guys like what i did with the room? I hope so. See, Morgan here hates me and Nate knows to much. I am going to have my fun with Morgan, but what to do with Nate? Shall I tie him up against his own chair? Shall I let him dance? You tell me.

Nate walked immidiatly up to the gitars and took the one that looked the most comfortable. Morgan didn't know what to do. After all these years with him, She always had bein a bit in the shadows. She wasn't a secret, but she wasn't the center either. She missed the times they would make a video together and he would give her sweet nicknames at every moment he thougth viewers wouldn't be watching. And that last he still did. It was quit cute. He always looked so proud at her when he was done with a new song. He always asked for her aprovall. Now he was busy with a new creation. He wrote everything on a little paper that laid on the mixtable. What Nate didn't see, was that behind him a door litgh up. Morgan could let him be and just go by herself, but something didn't let her go. "Morgan, go trough that door allone and I will not go after you. You will have to do the next task allone. I can not help you when you leave. I shall stay here en let you go. I will not stop you anymore, Morgan. I shall understand when you prevere to go allone. Go allong, Morgan. Do not for me at the end, because I will not survive this round. I will be stuck here forever. You have to live further. You have to move on. I have screwed it up the first time and this time I will pay the price for you. I would do anything for you, Morgan. You know what you must do, so go!" His voice was calm. He chose every word carefully. The music had stopped. It was deadsilence. Morgan stood with her back towards him, so she couldn't see if he looked at her, but she damn well knew how he felt. She wanted to contiue so bad and just forget his words, because they didn't mean anything to her. She was ready for a own avonture and behind that door was it. "It is not fair, Nathan. You have something to hold on to and you have fans and people that love you. I am losing you." Morgan said to herself. She couldn't let herself break him like that and lose him. She heard some shuffle and some clicks. He cursed softly and it was clear that he was stuck in his chair. Morgan had to do it allone. Morgan had to play the hero and she wasn't very good at it. "Morgan, GO WITHOUT ME! PLEASE!....Please." He was crying. accually she should be happy. She didn't want to particepaid and now she had a chance to go, but why wasn't she going? Finally she turned around and saw what kind of disaster had formed behind her. On that chair sat Nate. Around his polses were two glowing straps of  metal and he looked down. His feet were free, so she could turn him around. She walked closer and laid a hand on the chair. "What...What are you doing? I said that you should go without me. You had to listen. Now he is going after you." he said softly. Morgan couldn't care less. She had made a quick dissicion for herself  and that would cost her her life. Nate screamed out in pain everytime she would do something, but she had to free him. That was her punishment. She had to know for the start with who she was dealing. She had been so stupid when she was so stuborn. She had to help Nate first and than herself.  "I am not just going allone like that. We both very well know what is going to happen when I would do that. We must  win this game." Morgan said stern, but confindent. She pulled on the metal straps, but they didn't gave in. Nate would be stuck here like this, but Morgan had an idea. She knew that thanks to the music that Nate played the door would open, but she couldn't play gitar. She let the chair for what it was and looked around the studio. "I am stuck, but the chords will help to get us out of here." She said. Nate slicked away a couple of tears. He didn't like it anymore and felt sick. There must be a key in here. There was a shuffle and a loud bonk somewhere in the bakc of the room and Morgan looked around. There on the laid something. She walked towards it and saw the key. She freed Nate as quickly as possible  and prepared for the breakdown of  Nate. "Nathan, We are going to do this together." Morgan said carefully. He laid a hand on her shoulder. He seemed so sure of everything when he came in here. It even seemed knew what he was doing. That was only partly true, but this was ridiculous. Morgan didn't know if all those emotions were real. A weak smile apaired on Nate's face. He really was down. It seemed as if he knew something more. Something he did not wanted to tell. "Morgan, Today we only have eithother." he said. Tears were jumping in his eyes and he refused to make eyecontact. After all this drama Morgan had no clue of what to do. They had to play a song to open the door. "We have to do this together. I am going to play the chords when you learn them to me." Morgan said. Nate looked at her funny. "Oh, you want just as much as I to get out of here." She said. Nate gave her the good gitar and learnd her quickly all the chords he had written down. Morgan was aquick student and Nate was proud of her. He was also relieved, because without her he never would have made it htis far. Everybody knew he couldn't it without her. It was true love and at the same time insane. When Nate and Matt saw eithtother in the little space, was that accually already his last wish. Nate knew, or accually thougth, that he wasn't going to survive. He didn't know that Matt was watching them from behind a wall schot. Matt had almost opened the door, but was distracted when the two were playing music. They didn't need his help, but he wanted to do it anyway. He had already broken into the camera's and could look into every room if he wanted to. He wasn't sure if there were more people locked up in here, so he didn't look. He knew for sure what was waiting for them in the other room. Nate looked for a second in his direction and even wink, but Matt imagned to much. Morgan could play everything fluentlly and the door opened. "Now the door is open, you can still decide to go on your own. I know that you van do it and I am sure that you are going to win." Nate unsure. Morgan shook her head. "Don't be so ridiculous, Nathan. You are just as important to this game as I am." she said. Hand in hand they runned out of the door. Without knowing that Matt appaired from behind his wall and secretly hoped the two would win. 

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