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Dear Journal,

Last week my yoga teacher decided to check my weight because he thought I looked a whole lot chubbier and to my surprise I had gained a few pounds!!! Okay... Okay I was not surprised as for the past fifteen days I and mama {uncle} had been recklessly going around street to street in search of the best of Bangalore's food. Yes.... I am a bit guilty of all those masala dosas, chaats and idlies I had dumped in my stomach during those foodventures . I'm a fitness freak and a foodie in one. So anyways.... I had no other way but to go on a diet. Being my first ever official diet "without cheating" ( the last time I tried to diet, I ended up being caught by my granny sneaking in a chocolate during midnight).. So I've been dieting since two days strictly until today....


Now introducing my fiend and my angel......

Scene 1 { @ school}

[ It was lunch break ]

Everyone's brought tempting lunches to eat such as palak paneer , puri bhaji , etc. Above all that I am resisting the temptation to taste these delicious lunches and over that my friends are those lovely darlings who are trying to tempt me [note my sarcasm].

Angel: la la la la la... my lunch is the best!!! Raw veggies ... the best to lose weight and grow strong... good job Hithu I'm proud of you...

Fiend: Numph!! [mimicking Angel] Good job Hithu I'm proud of you... HITHA !!!!!! you have to be kidding me... Holey mother of cheese !! you don't deserve to choke yourself with this bland grass and veggies.. its ok stop doing this.... Ooooo look Shreyaditha lunch looks soo tasty you have to give it a try....

Yep I could not resist this suggestion by the fiend, indeed her lunch looked too tempting anddd I had a bite of that irresistible palak paneer.. Shreya if you are reading this tell your mom it was too good.. and thank you for tempting me [note my sarcasm]..

Scene 2

Evening After School

I was walking by the fridge when a giant jar of nutella caught my eye!!!

Hithu: Oh no... I should not have seen this

Angel: Put it back Hitha .. this instant... Remember you are dieting. You must fit back into that XS dress.. You know look like a model... have abs

Fiend: Oh goodness its just a box of chocolate spread Angel its no nuclear bomb. Hitha don't you think just a taste of it would do any harm.

Hithu: I think Fiend is right Angel... I dont think a tiny taste would do any harm..

Angel: Dont even think about it miss!! Its about time you control those tastebuds of yours and burn down that muffin top you have!!

Hithu: But... just a little pleaseeeeee

Fiend: Why are you even bothering to ask her??... you just go ahead.

Angel: Fine go ahead but trust me you are gonna regret it later...

and thats how I broke my diet today with a palak paneer and a tiny spoon of nutella.... Now when I am thinking about it im really felling bad about breaking my diet...

thats it for today dear





Hey lovelies, I hope you liked my entry please do vote and comment below..

Have you ever been in such a situation...? what are your opinions and suggestions on dieting? comment below...

DEAR JOUNERAL.....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora