' Goodbye' is the Most Heart-Breaking Word onEarth

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this is the continuation of the previous update. That days diary was written in two parts as said earlier..


'Abhi!... plese don't leave me!... you cannot go please avhi.... Don't do this"...

Words that escaped from my dry lips stabbed us straight to the heart. I knew I had promised myself that I would not cry this time when Abhi would leave but this is among those very rare times where I emotionally break down and my brain stops functioning. Hot tears are still flushing down my cheeks soaking the pages of the diary. How I wish that I cold escape the harsh reality of Abhi going back from. Before getting on the car Aniki gave me a hug and chimed in that adorable voice of his "Remember Hithakka I Love You" "I love you more Aniki" and that's it! out came the water works . Never had I sobbed so much for a long time. I felt my heart heavy filled with the pain of separation. Then suddenly, I nearly tumbled by the bear hug Advi gave me , he lovingly kissed my cheek and said " Trust me Hithakka you look like you have been hit with a steaming bat, give me that smile of yours, ill be back sooner than you think". I had no other option but to put up with a smile which I had a no intention of. "Attagal !! now that's more like my girl Hithu , Everything's gonna be okay.... " Abhi said holding back tears too.

My relationship with Abhi has always been very special and pure. Unlike all other stereotypical aunts out there she is this bad-ass woman who is nothing more a pleasant mixture of all the good things in life. She has always looked after me as if I were her daughter. She is my mother, friend, sister , companion , adviser and lots more. I am very lucky to have found my soulmate from the very moment I was born. The warmth of her love will always be with me no matter where I go.

Yours ,



Hello loves,

It is so difficult to get over the pain that you get when a loved one is going away from you. Had you ever been in such a situation ever before? If yes, comment below how it felt and what did you do. Also do share your suggestions on my writing and yeah, I know this was a crappy chapter :(.

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Until next time ....


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