Chapter 26: the final battle

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Kopa was propelled against the wall. 

"So, this is all you've got ? laughed Bunga"

Kion try to hit him with his sword, but Bunga warded. When the sword touched the stick, Kion been propelled away. Kopa ran into Bunga, But the honey badger dodged him and hit him. Kopa fell on the ground. Kion tried to protect him, but Bunga used a power of the stick to propel him away again. Bunga hit Kopa, who made him scream of pain. He fainted. Bunga then turned to face Kion, who was trying to get up. 

"So what are you gonna do now, Kion ? you're gonna use your roar ? Oh, but I almost forgot, you can't.  You know, when you lost it, I realized something .

_w... what? asked Kion, still trying to get up.

_The roar make you the fiercest in the Pridelands, right? And also the leader of the Lion Guard. So, when you lose it, you become a guy just like every other. And a simple guy can't lead the fastest, the strongest, the kinest of sight and the bravest, right ?

_W.. What d... Do you mean ?

_This mean that, without your roar, you're nothing. Just a poor guy who want his friends back. Oh, and now that you're going to died, maybe I can tell you something.

_What ?

_I destroied the Lion guard the first time.

_What ?!

_I told to Fuli that you were taking all the glory, to Besthe that you wanted to replace him with Mtoto and I made fun of Ono because of his fear.

_So, all this is your fault ?

_Yes, and now, it's time for you to died.


With this scream, Kion got up. 

And roared.

This roar was the most powerful that Kion ever made. Bunga was propelled against the wall and broke his bones.

When Bunga opened his eyes, Kion was in front of him, with Rafiki's stick in his left hand, and his sword;in the right.

"So, this is how it's going to end.

_I really regret this, Bunga.

_Not me, maybe the gods are with you. If there is any god. "

Kion killed Bunga the honey badger, the bravest of the Lion Guard.

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