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Okay, this time the dog will go in the end, because this time: This is serious. 

Annoying plot twists. Everyone knows them. Example? Let me give you a few:

· Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter NEVER end up together. Yeah. I totally ruined  your childhood, didn't I? J.K. Rowling said it, so it's official. They never marry or date even.

· Pocahontas 2. What. Just. Happened.


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Yeah. She ends up with this random guy. 

· For all the people who watched The Legend of Korra: Korra and Mako. Probably nobody get this reference, so let's just skip it.

I hope those are enough examples to get what I'm saying. Some books DO need some plot twist, and what kind of book would it be without a plot twist? But think about the writers. Don't split up your favorite couple to add a plot twist. It's heartbreaking. I JUST HATE IT SO MUCH.

This is not much of a tip, but I just wanted to share with you guys. Vote for Pocahontas 2 struggles. Come on guys. 

Here's the dog:

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Here's the dog:

Here's the dog:

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