Chapter 08

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I couldn't help but stare; Taylor looked horrible.

His light brown hair was a complete mess atop his head, his face was covered in unshaven facial hair, and his eyes were red raw.

Before I could say anything though, his lips moved around the words I'd been dying to hear.

"Nas, I'm sorry. I'm beyond sorry. This was stupid of me, and I want to make it up to you," he rushed desperately.

I tried to let words flow, but they were caught in my mouth from shock. I only stared at him, opening and closing my mouth like an idiot.

"I'm going to tell you about Chelsea; I want to tell you about Chelsea," he answered, clarifying exactly what he was planning on doing. "I'm not going to let this break us up, Nas."

I smiled through the sobs forming in my thick throat. I moved back against the door, inviting him into the kitchen. I closed the door as soon as the way was clear, and turned around to see him pulling out a chair to the kitchen table.

"Hang on a sec," I told him as I poked my head through the doorway into the lounge room. Paul was lifting Bridget into his arms, clearly preparing their departure.

"Are you guys going?" I asked, shocked, but relieved that I'd be alone with Tay.

"Yeah, I think we'll call it a night, Nas. I've got to get up for work in the morning," Paul answered. It sounded like a lie, but I was beyond caring at the moment.

"Oh, okay," I answered, not sure whether to take them out through the kitchen.

They smiled monotonously, hugged me, and walked through the doorway into the kitchen. Paul would have continued out the front door if Sam hadn't had noticed Taylor sitting at the table.

"Taylor?" she asked in shock.

"Hi, Sam," Tay replied, giving a nod that said he was guilty for his actions.

Sam's eyes darted to various point in the room before she hurriedly said, "C'mon, Paul," before racing out the door as fast as they possibly could.

I closed the door before turning back to Tay. I sat in the chair adjacent to him, pinning my elbows up on the dark wood of the table, waiting.

"You didn't have to send them home, you know," Taylor said after a short moment of silence as I'd stared into his dry eyes. Had he been crying?

"I know, but they were leaving anyway," I told him.

"Oh," he breathed, fiddling with his fingers.

He continued to look down at his fingers, intertwining them with each other. I decided he needed a hint as to what to say next.

"Chelsea?" I asked, desperate to finally know.

As soon as I said the name, his eyes darted up to meet mine and they were filled with nothing but pain.

"I don't know where to begin, Nas..." he trailed off, dropping his eyes back to his hands.

"Tell me who she is," I said as calmly as I possibly could.

Tay locked his gaze with mine and searched my eyes for something. I had no idea what he was looking for though.

"Tell me who she is, please," I whispered through a desperate plea.

"I will tell you... I just don't..." he took a deep breath. "Please don't be angry when I tell you."

"I can't guarantee that," I said sternly. I was ready for answers now! "Please, just tell me, Tay."

The Unexpected Has Arrived! (Unexpected, #2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora