Chapter 12

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There was a loud thrumming in the back of my head, pounding ever so tightly. My head, in basic terms, hurt like hell.

I could hear strange noises, but I was unable to make sense of any of them. Everything sounded like a vinyl record being played extremely slowly. A scratched vinyl record at that.

My muscles ached as though I had been cut open thousands of times; as though someone thought that I deserved to be in pain. But, why?

I felt cold. Blankets were wrapped around me, but still, I felt the freezing chill in the air.

Slowly, my mind awoke...

* * *

Sound. There was a loud beeping noise to the right of me, mixed in with a few slow voices.

Taste. My mouth was as dry as the Australian outback, thirsting for the slightest drop of rain.

Touch. I could feel small tubes running across my face and into my body. There was also a slight pressure around my left hand.

Smell. As soon and I took a breath, I knew I was in a hospital; the too-clean smell was sickly. The car crash must have been severe.

Sight. I didn't dare awaken this sense. I knew that if I opened my eyelids, they'd hurt all the more. I kept them shut, and used my other senses to take in the changed world.

I could feel the presence of at least three people. Or maybe it was four, I couldn't tell.

"Daddy, when's Mummy going to wake up?" It was the voice of my daughter - I knew that for sure.

"Shh," Taylor's dreamy voice hushed, for Tahlia had spoken a little too loudly, "the nurses are waking Mummy up now. See?"

"Your mummy will wake up any minute now, sweetie," a strange, unfamiliar squeaky voice sounded.

There was a moment's silence. I heard the sound of Tay's lips pressing into Tahlia's skin, along with the sound of medical equipment being used.

I next heard Tahlia whisper, "Mummy, wake up Mummy."

"She'll wake up Tahlia. Give Mummy some time."

I couldn't stand them speaking of me as though I were still asleep. I didn't want to open my eyes just this second, so I let out a small sigh. It sounded more like a whimper.

"Nassy?" Taylor asked. "Can you hear me love?" The pressure around my left hand tightened ever so slightly. It must have been Tay's hand.

"Are you awake Mummy?!" Tahlia asked hurriedly.

"Tahlia, plea- "

Tay was cut off by a moan escaping my lips. I hoped that it would substitute enough for a reply.

"Nas, are you there? Can you say something? Open your eyes?" Lips were pressed against the back of my left hand.

I tried my voice to see if it was still working. "Tay..." I mumbled, barely a whisper.

"I'm here, sweetheart," his lips met my hand again; "I'm here." It sounded like he was fighting the release of tears.

I smiled at his words ever so slightly. Even the small movement I made ached.

I couldn't hold my eyes closed any longer; I had to see his face.

Slowly, I brought my eyelids back, fluttering in the new scenery.

The Unexpected Has Arrived! (Unexpected, #2)Where stories live. Discover now