Chapter 24

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After what seemed like hours - but it was probably one twenty minutes at the most - Tay drove into a small town just behind the large city of Geelong.

"Okay, where on earth are we?" I asked, annoyed at the whole surprise charade.

He grinned at me again, putting his arm around my shoulders and giving me a comforting squeaze. "A little place called Lovely Banks."

That meant nothing to me. "And why are we here exactly?"

"All in good time my love. Patience is key," he told me.

I groaned and endured the rest of the now short journey. That only made Taylor laugh.

'All in good time' however, we ended up parking in a small, concreted driveway of a tiny cottage-style house.

I looked to Taylor for answers. "Alright this is getting weirder and weirder by the second. Chad doesn't live here, does he?" I was pretty sure Chad - and now Kelly - still lived in Perth, but yet, nothing could be sure.

"No," Taylor chuckled, "Chad doesn't live here." Somehow, my question was incredibly hilarious to Taylor but I still didn't know what on earth was happening.

"Then why on earth are we here?" I asked in frustration.

Taylor exited the car and came around to my side and opened the door. "Come on, I'll show you."

He held his hand out for me and I took it, still unsure of what he had planned.

"Ease off a little, Nassy. It's not like I'm going to murder you or anything." He laughed as he wound through the narrow garden path that led to the small white front door. The house had a classic but modern theme to it.

"Hilarious," I said in sarcasm. That was absolutely nothing to joke about. "You're such the comedian. You'd be the only one to get away with it and all."

"Oh, come here," he said, pulling me under his arm and against his side tightly, "I wouldn't murder you. I love you too much." He kissed the top of my head with a smile on his lips.

He opened the front door to my great shocking surprise.

"What? You're not even going to knock? You're just going to barge into someone's house?" What was with him?! Honestly!

"I'm not barging into anyone's house, Nas," Taylor told me as he slowly pushed the front door open. "This is our house now."

My body locked. Face, jaw, neck, arms, hips, legs, feet, organs: locked. I froze in complete and utter shock.

"What?" I asked. "I thought you said that this is our house. What did you say?"

Taylor smiled proudly. "No, you heard me correctly, my dear. This is now our house."

My mouth gaped open widely. "You're sure about that?"

"One hundred percent," he answered.

A small gust of air slipped through my mouth. I eyed him before I broke away from his grasp and stepped into the house. 'Our house', as Taylor claimed.

The floor was covered in luscious, creamy white carpet. The walls were white also with a large fireplace to one end, but there was abosutely no furniture in the room whatsoever. The windows were large, but there wasn't as much space as what there was at Dad's place. Instead, it was cozy and had a warm, family feel to it.

From here, I rushed into the kitchen after hearing Taylor close the door, chuckling at my reaction.

The kitchen was beautiful. It had modern benchtops with a country farmhouse feel to it. The floors were a white linoleum and the walls were a soft shade of yellow. Half of the rectangular room was made up of kitchen benchtops whilst the other half was empty to leave room for a small dining table.

The Unexpected Has Arrived! (Unexpected, #2)Where stories live. Discover now