Chp. 3: The Pokedex

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(I do not own Naruto or Pokemon)

(Also if you don't know by now, 'italic text like this is' is people's thoughts, and "bold text like this" is the jinchuuriki speaking)

"Let's go, Kurama!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. Kurama knew fully well not to speak in front of other people since now in this universe, so he simply responded with a high-pitched bark. May sent out some kind of orange bird.

"I'm all fired up!" she said. (hehe, get it?)

I was trying to think of an attack command for Kurama to do, but he was already attacking by the time I thought of one. He attacked first, using a zig-zag pattern to confuse the opponent. Reaching the bird in no time he tried to headbutt it, but the bird dodged just in time. I decided to let them be.

"Torchic use scratch!" May said.

The bird then attempted to scratch Kurama with it's talons and succeeded. He took a little bit of damage.

"Go Torchic!" May cheered on.

Kurama cursed under his breath. He once again tried to attack, but this time he used his claws. The Torchic was hit successfully and damaged as well. This went on for several minutes. Torchic kept using scratch as well as Kurama until both were left barely able to stand.

"Come on Torchic! I know you can do it!" she urged her pokemon on.

"We can do this Kurama!" I shouted.

Kurama was able to end the battle with the same tactic at the beginning of the battle. The Torchic fainted and May whispered something to it before returning it to the weird ball.

'I wonder how big it is in there,' Kurama thought.

"We did it! We won!" I pumped my fist into the air. May congratulated me and went back to the previous town, probably to heal her injured pokemon in that building.

"Hey Naruto. Mind healing me? Kind of covered in bruises here," Kurama said sarcastically.

"I've been thinking and it's really weird," I said, completely ignoring Kurama's question. "Can't these pokemon just heal on their own like we can in our dimension?"

"Guess that's just not how it works here," Kurama grumbled. "Now heal me."

I got permission from Kurama to pick him up. I carried him to the building in Odale town and got some pretty questioning looks by the people inside.

"Uh, sir, sir!" said the lady behind the counter. "Do you not have a pokeball for that, uh, pokemon there? It's for keeping pokemon inside for storage."

"Oh, that's what those weird balls do? Can you still heal Kurama here for me?" I ruffled Kurama's head fur, Kurama pawing me away angrily. The lady nodded, taking Kurama behind a door and returning not one moment later. She returned him and smiled kindly, bidding farwell as Kurama and I left the building. I suddenly had an idea and sneered. Kurama was confused, eyeing me furiously. I ran into the bullshit guy's shop and asked if he had pokeballs. Kurama suddenly started sweating, breathing faster by the minute. He covered up his fear with anger.

"Hey Naruto, I don't know what your thinking but.." he was cut off as I threw the pokeball I just bought at Kurama like I saw May had with the Torchic. It shined with red and white lights as it opened up and swallowed Kurama whole. I then heard a faint but clear voice from inside the ball.

"NOT FU***** FUNNY!" Kurama cursed, clearly enraged. I laughed. Although I was having fun, I really missed everyone back at the leaf village. I couldn't imagine everyone's worry over me after they saw me get pulled away from them, never to be seen again. With me not there, they wouldn't be able to seal Kaguya away and their battle would go on forever until, well..

"Hey Naruto!!! Where are you??" I heard a faint voice. I put Kurama's pokeball in my pocket along with Ryujingo's and exited the building. I saw May shouting for me.

"Oh, there you are! Follow me Naruto! I want to give you something at the lab! My dad has something for you too!" she said. I followed her out of curiosity back to Birch's place. I entered it, and Birch came up to me.

"Long time no see Naruto!"

'It's only been like an an hour and a half.' I thought.

"Well, I wanted to give you the Pokedex. It'll tell you all about itself if you just ask it so don't worry if you don't know how to use it." Birch said.

He handed me a strange hand-held device. I put it in my other pocket. I remembered that May said she also had something to give me. I turned to her.

"Here! It's some pokeballs," she said. I was given five of them. I thanked May and Birch and then returned to my journey home. I exited the building and pulled out the pokedex as I walked into Odale town.

"I wonder what it does.." I thought out loud. I thought about asking Kurama, but he probably was still pouting from earlier, so I let him be. I then remembered Birch's words, and decided to ask the device something.

"Uh, what can you do, Mr. Dex?" I asked it. The screen popped to life, and a voice spoke.

"The Pokedex can do a number of things. It can check a pokemon's level, stats, moveset, etc. It will also notify you when a pokemon levels up or wants to learn a new move in battle, so always keep it out with you." It explained some other things but I was already bored, so I decided to finally bug Kurama. I pulled out his pokeball and got closer to it.

"Say Kurama, what are levels?" I asked. I heard a tiny yawn from inside the pokeball.

"Just as I was about to fall asleep too," he muttered. "I would say they are a 'level' of strength. More levels, more strength." He yawned once more.

"Okay, then what are stats?" I asked. I got no answer. I assumed he fell asleep. I decided to follow the Pokedex's directions by keeping it out with me at all times. Who knows, it might come in handy.

"Hey Mr. Dex, can I call you Dexby?" I waited for an answer. A voice spoke once again.

"If you want to," it said.

"Alright Dexby, how do you check Pokemon's levels?" I asked Dexby.

"Put me in front of the pokeball you want to check and say 'Scan.'" she responded. I chose Kurama's pokeball first.

"Scan." I said. The screen on the Pokedex showed the number six.

'So six, huh?' I thought. I then scanned Ryujingo and it said five.

'I should probably use Ryujingo more, I don't want him to feel left out and all..' I thought. I looked up from the Pokedex and saw that I was at where May and I had battled. I threw Ryujingo's pokeball and out came the Treecko. He looked up at me with his big yellow eyes, and I smiled at him.

"Hey Ryujingo, wanna go battle some pokemon?" I asked him. The little Treecko jumped up in excitement, and I continued onwards to the west of Odale town.

(Phew, this took a while. Well, did you guys enjoy it? Feel free to give me some feedback on the chapter. My other story is on hold because of this one, only because I get the third person and first person confused in each one. I accidentally almost wrote this whole chapter in third person xD)

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