After School

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Jacks POV:

The bell rang and I jumped a little as I was starting to doze off. I lazily got up and smiled to the teacher before packing up my stuff and leaving the classroom. I'd be lying if I said most people were looking at me as I walked the hallways, everyone glanced at me, or even stared. I guess that's what I get. I just rushed as fast as I could to the front door to get away from everyone. Once I got outside I turned on my phone to see I got a text.

Hey sweetie won't be home until around 9 so you have until then to be home k? Love you~ Mom

I didn't respond and just put my phone away. I decided since I have so much time I might as well walk around. I turned back around and walked around the school. I found the football courts and saw someone still on the bleachers. Curiosity got the best of me and I went to go see who it was.

As I started getting close I could start to make out a shape of who it might be until I saw their flower crown and it was obvious on who it was.

"Hey Mark" I said finally reaching him. Mark turned around and smiled once he realized who it was.

"Oh, hey Jack" Mark said patting a seat next to him signaling for me to go sit next to him. I happily walked over to where he was sitting and sat down next to him.

"How'd your first day go?" Mark asked playing with my hair.

"It was ok" I said leaving out parts where people stared at me. He just smiled and continued playing with my hair. I didn't mind it though, it was nice.

"Hey wanna go back to my place?" Mark asked shortly after.

"Sure, I don't have to be home until 9 so why not" I said getting up from the bleachers.

Mark smiled and got up to leading me towards his house.

We got to the sideway without saying anything.

"So what do you wanna do at your house?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets.

"I dunno, maybe a game, watch a movie, or just talk. Whatever's ok with you I guess" Mark said fixing his flower crown.

"Anythings ok with me" I said as we continued to talk. We talked about school and what homework we had until he lead me up the driveway of a really big house.

"I-is this y-yer house?" I said shakily.

"Yeah... Why?" Mark asked confused standing in the doorway.

"It's so nice!" I said smiling. Mark  chuckled and gestured me in.

An//: I don't have any news for you guys to know so I guess you don't need an AN!

So hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see all you dudes... In the next chapter!!!

Buh Bye!~ DesireeWrites

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